Wednesday 28 February 2018

كويكن ماك 2017 خيارات الأسهم

أفضل 3 بدائل ل كويكن سوفتوار (إنتو)

كويكن هي واحدة من ثلاثة برامج البرمجيات المالية المعروفة جيدا، وتستخدم على نطاق واسع وناجحة للغاية التي وضعتها إنتوت، وشركة (نسداق: إنتو). إنتوت يجعل قراء، وهو برنامج محاسبة شعبية جدا للشركات الصغيرة. توربوتاكس، وتستخدم للأعمال التجارية الصغيرة والصغيرة تفعل ذلك بنفسك إعداد الضرائب؛ و كيكن، أداة الإدارة المالية الشخصية.

تقدم كويكن خدمات المستخدمين من التدقيق الأساسي وإدارة حساب التوفير والميزنة، على طول الطريق لتحليل محفظة وإدارة ميزات مثل تتبع الأرباح الرأسمالية. هناك العديد من الإصدارات المستندة إلى ويندوز من البرنامج المتاحة وإصدار واحد كيكن لنظام التشغيل ماك متوافق مع نظام التشغيل أبل. وقد توسعت إنتوت جناح كيكن من المنتجات مع العروض مثل كيكن الصحة حساب المقتفي وسريع تأجير الممتلكات مدير.

على الرغم من تصنيعها لعدد من الأسواق العالمية، لا تزال كيكن تركز بشكل كبير على قاعدة عملاء أمريكا الشمالية. في حين أن كويكن سيطرت على السوق المتخصصة منذ إدخاله في عام 1991، وهناك عدد من المنتجات البديلة المماثلة المتاحة. تواصل كيكن لالتقاط جيدا أكثر من 50٪ من إجمالي حصة السوق، ولكن تحديا على نحو متزايد من قبل المنافسين.

إنتوت نفسها تقدم أبسط وأكثر بديلا أساسيا ل كويكن في النعناع، ​​التي حصلت عليها في عام 2009. النعناع هو على شبكة الإنترنت، بدلا من برنامج برنامج مستقل. وهي خدمة مجانية وتقدم فقط الميزات الأساسية مثل إنشاء وتتبع الميزانيات والأهداف المالية، ورصد درجة الائتمان واحد. النعناع تقدم خدمات مماثلة لتلك الواردة في كيكن في معظم الأساسية "بداية" الإصدار. وهي لا تقدم خدمات هامة لإدارة الاستثمارات. يتم انتقاد البرنامج لمشاكل تزامن الحساب، وحقيقة أنه لا يسمح التسوية المصرفية الشهرية، لأنه يفترض تلقائيا جميع البيانات التي تم تحميلها هو الصحيح.

حقيقة أن النعناع هو خدمة للقراءة فقط على حد سواء زائد وناقص للبرنامج. توفر خدمة القراءة فقط أمانا أكبر على الإنترنت، لأنه حتى إذا تمكن شخص ما من الدخول إلى معلومات المستخدم، فكل ما يمكنه فعله هو الاطلاع على الحسابات. وهو غير قادر على اتخاذ أي إجراءات مثل تحويل الأموال منها. وبطبيعة الحال، على جانب ناقص، كونها خدمة للقراءة فقط يحد أيضا ما يمكن للمستخدم من الخدمة القيام به، وبالتالي، قدرات ووظائف الخدمة.

مثل جميع برامج الإدارة المالية الشخصية مماثلة تقريبا، النعناع يمكن الوصول إليها من خلال أي جهاز متصل بالإنترنت تقريبا، بما في ذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية، وأقراص والهواتف الذكية.

2) رأس المال الشخصي.

رأس المال الشخصي يمثل بديلا جذابا وأقل تكلفة من كيكن للأفراد الذين يفضلون برنامج المستندة إلى السحابة والتي توفر أدوات إدارة الاستثمار واسعة النطاق.

وقد تم تصميم رأس المال الشخصي لاستهداف سوق معين من الماليين الذين يصلون والقادمين، الأفراد الذين لديهم صافي قيمة بين 100،000 $ و 2 مليون $. ويمثل ذلك قطاعا من السوق تتخطىه عادة شركات الاستشارات المالية وإدارة الثروات لصالح عملاء أكثر ثراء. رأس المال الشخصي هو مستشار الاستثمار المسجل، مع أكثر من 1.5 مليار $ في الأصول تحت إدارة (أوم).

حزمة الخدمات المالية الرأسمالية الأساسية الأساسية، والتي تشمل تتبع الحساب، والميزنة، ودفع الفواتير وغيرها من الخدمات الأساسية، هو حر. رأس المال الشخصي يجعل أمواله في المقام الأول من الأفراد الذين يختارون للترقية إلى خدمات إدارة الثروات الشخصية تقدم الشركة، والتي تتقاضى حوالي 0.69٪ من الأصول المدارة كرسوم. مع خدمة إدارة الثروات المدفوعة، يتم تعيين العملاء مستشار مالي شخصي والحصول على جميع الخدمات المعتادة العميل يتوقع من شركة إدارة الثروات، بما في ذلك الضرائب والتخطيط العقاري، حصاد الخسارة الضريبية، وتقديم المشورة بشأن التأمين، والصناديق التعليمية للأطفال وأية دولة أخرى الخدمات اللازمة لتوفير الإدارة المالية الكاملة للعملاء. رسوم رأس المال الشخصي أقل بكثير من المتوسط ​​لخدمات إدارة الثروات الكاملة.

فقط خدمات التمويل الشخصي المجانية المقدمة هي واسعة وتنافسية مع ما تقدمه كيكن. وشملت خدمات مثل الميزانية، ومخطط التقاعد، و 401 (ك) محلل الرسوم وفاحص الهدف تخصيص الاستثمار. ويشمل عنصر الميزنة أداة للتدفق النقدي تتيح للأفراد إدخال الدخل والإنفاق، ثم تلقي تحليلات أسبوعية أو شهرية أو سنوية لتدفقاتهم النقدية المتوقعة. ويمكن استخدام مخطط التقاعد لتحديد خطة التقاعد، ومن ثم لمراقبة مدى التزام المستخدم بالخطة عن كثب. هذه الميزة المجانية تتيح للمستخدمين تحديد أهداف الإنفاق والادخار، وتتبع الأحداث الدخل ومشروع القيمة المستقبلية للمحافظ الاستثمار. الميزات الشاملة والمرونة من المتغيرات المدخلات المقدمة في هذه الوحدة المجانية مقارنة بشكل إيجابي إلى أي خدمة مماثلة، مجانا أو المدفوعة. يحدد مكون تخصيص األصول ملف تحمل المخاطر لدى المستخدم ثم يقوم بتوصيات مناسبة لتوزيع االستثمارات.

وقد تلقى رأس المال الشخصي مراجعات جيدة على عدد من المستويات، أحدهما أنه يوفر تزامن حساب أفضل من معظم البرامج من هذا النوع. كما أنها تتلقى علامات عالية لخدمة العملاء، بالإضافة إلى نادرة لبرنامج الخدمات المالية المجانية البرمجيات. رأس المال الشخصي يقدم أكثر من ذلك بكثير في العمق تحليل الاستثمار والتخطيط من كيكن. كما يوفر الأمن المعزز من خلال استخدام المصادقة الثنائية.

خدمات رأس المال الشخصي يمكن الوصول إليها عن طريق الكمبيوتر أو الكمبيوتر اللوحي أو الهاتف المحمول، وهي واحدة من أولى هذه الخدمات الإدارية المالية الشخصية لتقديم وظائف مع أبل ووتش الجديدة.

مصممة خصيصا لنظام التشغيل أبل، إيبانك، التي وضعتها إيغ البرمجيات، توصف كبديل متفوق لمستخدمي كيكن فور ماك. يبيع البرنامج لنفس السعر تقريبا كيكن ديلوكس، أي أكثر بقليل من نصف سعر كيكن بريمير أو كيكن هوم أند بوسينيس، على الرغم من أن مجموعة الخدمات التي تقدمها أكثر انسجاما مع برامج كيكن المميزة.

ويهدف إيبانك لتكون بمثابة برنامج إدارة الأعمال التجارية الشخصية أو الصغيرة. ويقدم عدد لا يحصى من الخدمات المالية، بما في ذلك البنك، وبطاقات الائتمان، وإدارة حساب القروض والاستثمار. يقدم إيبانك تحليل الدخل والنفقات مفصل، مع الرسوم البيانية تحديثها باستمرار. الميزات غير المدرجة في كيكن ولكن هذا يأتي معيار مع إيبانك تشمل وظائف متعددة العملات وإطفاء القروض المتغيرة. إيبانك لديها منصة ممتازة لمراجعة جميع الحسابات المالية الفرد في واحدة سهلة الاستخدام لوحة القيادة المركزية: التحقق، والمدخرات، وسوق المال، وحقوق الملكية والاستثمارات ذات الدخل الثابت، وحسابات التقاعد وحسابات القروض وحسابات الوساطة. يمكن للبرنامج استيراد الملفات في مجموعة واسعة جدا من الأشكال، بما في ذلك أوفس، كفكس، قمفت و كيف، بالإضافة إلى تنسيق كسف شائعة الاستخدام.

إيبانك تبرز لتحليل الأداء الاستثماري الذي يقدم، تتبع شراء وبيع أسهم الأسهم، وأرباح الأسهم وخيارات الأسهم. يسمح البرنامج لسهولة الإنتاج والطباعة من التقارير المالية المخصصة، وحتى أنه يسمح للمستخدم لطباعة الشيكات الجديدة عند الحاجة.

غفك غيسكو الفوركس.

المبادئ التوجيهية للتجسس على تداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند.

أسرع خيارات الأسهم ماك 2018.

كويكن، برنامج برامج التمويل الشخصي الشعبي، أصدرت أحدث تحديث لها. الإصدار المميز من كيكن لإضافة بعض الميزات الجديدة التي قد تجد المستخدمين مفيدة. يتم تقديم إصدارات لكل من أنظمة التشغيل ويندوز و ماك، على الرغم من أن هذا الاستعراض يقتصر على إصدار ويندوز. وقد تلقت نسخة ماك من كيكن الاستعراضات مختلطة جدا، في أحسن الأحوال، كما وظائفها محدودة بالمقارنة مع إصدار ويندوز. في السنوات الأخيرة، وقد أظهرت المزيد والمزيد من المنافسة تصل إلى تدق تعجيل الخروج من جثمها. خدمات مثل النعناع. يمكن شراء البرنامج مباشرة من إنتوت في كيكن. كيكن بريمير، مثل جميع منتجات كيكن، يحافظ على الأمن على مستوى البنك. يتم تشفير المعلومات الخاصة بك ونقلها بشكل آمن من المؤسسات المالية الخاصة بك إلى كيكن. عملية التثبيت بالنسبة لي، كمستخدم جديد، كان لا تشوبه شائبة، وكنت في البرنامج في غضون دقائق من تحميله من موقع كيكن. وقد أكد المراجعون الآخرون تجربة سلسة. وكان الاتصال إلى واحدة من حسابات الوساطة بلدي بسيط جدا، وقبل أن أعرف أنه تم استيرادها بلدي حيازات بدقة وينعكس في برنامج كيكن. في الوقت الحاضر، أي سطح المكتب أو البرامج المستندة إلى الويب سوف تكون كاملة دون تطبيقات للهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية لدعم ذلك. معظم مركز شكاوى المستخدمين على المزامنة البطيئة لتحديث المعلومات والوظائف المحدودة. كما هو الحال مع الإصدارات السابقة من كيكن بريمير، سيكون لديك 2018 الاتصال بحساب مصرفي للاستفادة من الإنفاق، دفع الفواتير وميزات التخطيط. ببساطة انقر على زر زائد في الجزء السفلي الأيسر من البرنامج لإضافة حساب. سيظهر مربع سريع يتيح لك إمكانية إضافة عدة أنواع مختلفة من الحسابات. ضع في اعتبارك أن المصرف الذي تتعامل معه يقدم ميزات دفع فاتورة مماثلة بدون أي تكلفة. يوفر أسرع بيل فاتورة للتصنيف الفوري للإنفاق. وهذا يعطي المستخدمين نظرة على أنواع النفقات التي تقود الإنفاق. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تحت قسم الفواتير، يمكن للمستخدمين رؤية الأرصدة المتوقعة تعديلها للدفعات المقررة الشكل 1. بالاشتراك مع القدرة على إعداد التنبيهات، ويمكنني أن أرى أن هذا ميزة مفيدة بشكل خاص. هناك عدد قليل من القوائم المنسدلة حيث يمكنك تخصيص طريقة العرض. يمكنك أيضا التبديل بين الدخل والإنفاق وجهات النظر، وتختلف الفترة المشمولة أو حتى تغيير الحساب إذا كان لديك حسابات متعددة. ومن بين عمليات الترحيل الشائعة بين المستخدمين ميزة التخطيط. ضمن ميزة التخطيط هو الميزانية، وتخفيض الديون، ومخطط مدى الحياة، ومركز الضرائب وأهداف الادخار. ميزة الميزانية تسمح لك لتعيين ميزانية لتناسب احتياجاتك ومن ثم يساعد على التمسك بها. يمكنك تعيين ميزانية شاملة أو تعيين ميزانية لفئة واحدة فقط، ثم نرى في أي لحظة سواء كنت على أو أكثر من الميزانية الشكل 2. ميزة تخفيض الديون يساعدك على التخطيط لكيفية تقليل عبء الديون الخاصة بك مع مرور الوقت، وكذلك حفظ على دفعات الفائدة. تتطلب هذه الميزة لك لإدخال بطاقات الائتمان والقروض الخاصة بك إلى كيكن. مخطط عمر يمكن أن تكون مفيدة كما كنت تعتقد ماك المستقبل المالي الخاص بك. هذه الميزة تسألك أسئلة عن دخلك، ومعدل الضريبة، والأصول، والافتراضات حول النمو، وما إلى ذلك يمكنك تغيير الافتراضات ونرى كيف أنها آثار التخطيط والأهداف. يمكنك أيضا استخدام أداة إنشاء السيناريو وات إف للوصول إلى مزيد من التفاصيل. يمكن للمركز الضريبي مساعدتك في الحصول على رأسك حول التزاماتك الضريبية، سواء من الدخل أو زيادة المكاسب. يمكنك تعيين مبلغ مساهمة شهرية وتاريخ مستهدف ومشاهدة التوازن تنمو مع مرور الوقت وأنت تغلق في تحقيق هدفك. علامة التبويب "الاستثمار" هي آخر علامة تبويب على الخيارات في الجزء العلوي مباشرة من القوائم المنسدلة. بعد النقر على علامة التبويب "الاستثمار"، يتم عرض أربعة خيارات أسفل علامات التبويب؛ محفظة، محفظة X - راي، الأداء والمخصصات. في تركيبة، توفر هذه علامات التبويب تفاصيل متعمقة حيازات محفظة، مثل النطاق الجغرافي، انهيار القطاع وأكثر من ذلك. علامة التبويب الأداء يستخدم المخططات والجداول للإشارة إلى العائدات التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة حساب الوساطة. إذا كان هناك أي بيانات مفقودة والبرمجيات لديها لضبط لذلك، سيتم عرض حاشية تشير إلى أن. نقر المستخدمين لإضافة حساب وحدد من حسابات الوساطة المبينة. وتدعم جميع شركات الوساطة الكبرى. بعد اختيار شركة الوساطة الخاصة بك، لديك ببساطة لإدخال بيانات اعتماد تسجيل الدخول لحساب الوساطة وسريعة سوف أعتبر من هناك. البرنامج بتحميل المعاملات الخاصة بك من حساب الوساطة المتصلة، والتي يمكنك ثم اختيار تحرير يدويا. يمكنك أيضا تنفيذ إجراءات أخرى، مثل فتح مخطط خطي بسيط، مع وجود رابط لمزيد من خيارات التخطيط المعقدة المتاحة. ويظهر الارتباط الخاص بالرسم البياني أيضا الإحصاءات الرئيسية عن عقدك مثل متوسط ​​تكلفة السهم، وكسب النسبة المئوية، والسعر، والأسهم المحتفظ بها. يتم تأجيل ونقلت من قبل 20 دقيقة. وتشمل المعاملات التي تم تنزيلها أيضا الفوائد المكتسبة وكذلك مدفوعات توزيعات الأرباح. ومع ذلك، لا تتم المعاملات أحيانا من خلال ما هو مطلوب، ويجب إجراء تعديلات يدوية. انقسامات الأسهم، على سبيل المثال، يبدو أنها تخلط بين البرمجيات، وهو أمر مخيب للآمال نظرا إلى أي مدى يمكن أن يحدث ذلك. وتتمثل الإضافة الرئيسية الجديدة في علامة التبويب "الاستثمار" في أداة تحليل محفظة X-راي للمحفظة. إذا كنت من مستخدمي دفع مورنينغستار. بل هو وسيلة قيمة جدا لشريحة والزهر محفظتك للنظر في ذلك في عدد من الطرق. وفقا لمورنينستار، يمكنك استيراد محفظة إلى أداة الأشعة السينية، ولكن العديد من المستخدمين يجدون صعوبة في القيام به. وكان الخيار الآخر، بطبيعة الحال، لإنشاء يدويا وإدخال محفظة، والتي يجد العديد من المستخدمين مرهقة جدا لمحاولة. عند تحديد أداة الأشعة السينية في البداية، سيتعين عليك التحقق من صحة تسجيلك. بعد ذلك، فإن الأداة حساب الأرقام لحساب الوساطة المحدد إذا كان لديك العديد من الحسابات، سيكون لديك لتحديد واحد. أداة الأشعة السينية يقدم التحليل بدءا من تخصيص الأصول U. وهو نظرة رائعة داخل محفظتك. وتسمى صفحة إضافية واحدة من علامة التبويب "الاستثمار" المخصصات. النقر الذي يظهر العديد من المخططات الدائرية. ويبدو أن هذا أداة إنتوت وليس مرتبطا بمحفظة X-راي. وهذا أمر محترم، حيث أنه ليس صحيحا، ويجعل أي بيانات تنتج في هذه الصفحة مشبوها قليلا. سأحاول الوصول إلى إنتوت حول هذه المسألة وسوف نشر أي تحديثات في بلوق الاستثمار المحوسبة. إضافة جديدة أخرى إلى برنامج كيكن بريمير هي أداة الائتمان المجانية ومراقبة الائتمان، والتي إنتوت لا تهمة اضافية للشكل 4. يتطلب الاشتراك بعض المعلومات الشخصية، التي قد يكون لديك شكوك حول توفير، ولكن شكل قصير و البرنامج لديه الأمن على مستوى البنك. هذه الأداة هي إضافة مثيرة للاهتمام إلى حزمة، ولكن ليست فريدة من نوعها، كما تقدم تقارير الائتمان الحرة من قبل أي عدد من المواقع مثل كريديتكارما. ميزة أخرى تمرير هو وظيفة الإبلاغ، والذي يسمح لعدد من التقارير ليتم تشغيلها مع وجهات نظر مختلفة اعتمادا على الاحتياجات الخاصة بك. من علامة التبويب "الاستثمار"، على سبيل المثال، يمكنك الاطلاع على تقرير الأرباح الرأسمالية أو تقرير المعاملات أو تقرير أساس التكلفة؛ ومعظم الخيارات علامات التبويب الأخرى تقدم العديد من خيارات التقرير كذلك. كما هو الحال مع الإصدارات السابقة، هناك كبيرة وسريعة نشط قاعدة المستخدمين المجتمع حيث يمكنك العثور على إجابات إذا واجهت مشكلة. بدلا من ذلك، يمكنك الاتصال مباشرة إنتوت للحصول على مساعدة. باختصار، بعد بضع سنوات مع الحد الأدنى من التغييرات الهامة في البرنامج، جعلت إنتوت بعض التحسينات قيمة ل كيكن. والأهم بالنسبة للمستثمرين هو إضافة أداة مورنينغستار للأشعة السينية، وهو أمر مفيد جدا لتحليل المحفظة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقرير الائتمان مجانا هو مفيد، وإن لم يكن ترقية هامة إلى البرنامج. وأخيرا، فإن المزامنة المحسنة للتطبيقات، التي كان المستخدمون قد اشتكوا عنها في مراجعاتهم للطبعات السابقة، هي علامة جيدة على أن إنتوت تولي اهتماما لتعليقات العملاء. في النهاية، ما إذا كان يستحق ذلك بالنسبة لك للترقية إلى كيكن يعتمد على الاحتياجات الخاصة بك. إذا كنت تدفع بالفعل ل مورنينستار. انها ليست حرة حقا، كنت تدفع ثمنها عن طريق شراء كيكن أحدث إصدار ويستضيف التطبيق موبيل جميع حسابات الاستثمار المالي. هذا هو بعد عامين! ربما لأن الاستعراضات مثل هذا واحد سطحية بدلا من القيام استعراضات شاملة. والسبب الوحيد الذي رفعت إلى كيكن كان حتى زوجتي يمكن أن نرى قيمتها الصافية ووضعنا المالي كله على إيباد لها. فشل التطبيق المحمول بشكل فادح. هذا الاستعراض لا يعكس عدم كفاءة إنتوت من وجهة نظر المستثمرين. هل هناك مقارنة بين برامج الاستثمار المختلفة المتاحة من آي أو مصادر أخرى؟ أنا أحب فكرة عنصر التخطيط المالي. كيف يمكن مقارنتها ببرامج التخطيط المالي الأخرى. هل أنها ثابتة كل من البق من الإصدار؟ إنتوت ليست مجرد غير خامل من وجهة نظر المستثمرين للعرض، فإنه غير مهذب من وجهة نظر البرمجة. جودة البرنامج قد تم الذهاب إلى أسفل منذ الإصدار. نعم، لقد أضافت ميزة ولكن على حساب الاستقرار. أوه، وإذا كنت لا تصدقني عن عدم الاستقرار من كيكنهير قائمة من 27 تحطم وتجميد البق ذات الصلة إنتوت يقول أنها ثابتة في تحطم متقطع أثناء التحقق من صحة وإصلاح بعد تعقيم ملف بيانات تعطل كويكن عندما يقوم المستخدم بتحديث خطوة واحدة ل الأسهم أول مرة في يوم واحد. تعطل أسرع إذا نقر المستخدم على زر "إغلاق" أثناء إضافة عملية الحساب هو "في التقدم". كويكن تعطل إذا توقفنا التحديث الآن أثناء تطبيق التصحيح على الانترنت تعطل تعطل بشكل متقطع أثناء التحويل، في حين فتح وإغلاق أثناء العمل على ملف بيانات كبير ملف البيانات محددة تعطل كويكن على "بيل وتذكير" عرض أثناء تحوم الماوس على التقويم تعطل تعطل على فتح ملف بيانات معين تعطل كويكن مرة واحدة أثناء تحرير المستأجر من قائمة المستأجرين أثناء التنفيذ الآلي تعطل الأعطال عند تحديد "لا" لتأكيد المبلغ لعملية نقل عبر الإنترنت. تعطل تعطل عند إلغاء استعادة ملف النسخ الاحتياطي. أثناء إنشاء حساب القروض، تحطمت كويكن. تسريع تجميد في تأجير العقارات كيكن تجميد أثناء فتح حساب حساب بعد الانتهاء من تحديث خطوة واحدة. كيكن يذهب في حالة تعليق بعد النقر على مكاسب رأس المال المقدر ملف البيانات محددة. لا ينبغي أن يكتب هذا الاستعراض من قبل مستخدم لأول مرة. التحسينات الإضافية يمكن فقط من قبل تقييم من قبل شخص الذي استخدم كيكن مع مرور الوقت. منذ كيكن فور ويندي تحديث فقط إلى الإصدار الذي يبلغ من العمر سنة والتي تعطي سنة تحصل على تسويتها خارج. والنسخة القديمة أرخص. كيكن يجعلك الترقية كل ثلاث سنوات أو لا يمكنك القيام فاتورة الأجور وبعض الأشياء الأخرى. إيني ترقية إلى في أنا الترقية إلى الإصدار كان الكثير من "الميزات" الجديدة والبق عندما صدر لأول مرة وبعض لا تزال هناك. لا تنظر حتى في إصدار ماك كيكن إسنتيالز. للأسف، أفضل أجزاء إذا تم العثور على هذا الاستعراض في تعليقات المستخدم. وكما ذكر سابقا، كان كتابة استعراض لهذا المنتج المهمل منذ فترة طويلة كمستخدم لأول مرة صعبا بشكل مفرط - وأظهر ذلك. إنتوت لم يكن تقبلا جدا لردود الفعل. كل ثلاث سنوات، يضطر المستخدمين للترقية للحفاظ على وظيفة التحديث العمل. و، عند تحديث بعد توقف لمدة ثلاث سنوات، وكان المستخدم يجد أنه قد سدد ببساطة للمنتج في مقابل عدد قليل من التغييرات التجميلية. ولم يستفد المستثمرون بشكل خاص من النسخ الجديدة. متى سوف كويكن خيارات مقبض مع بعض نعمة؟ حقا، أصبح البرنامج ليس أكثر فائدة مع كل إصدار جديد ولكن أقل فائدة. أما بالنسبة للضريبة توربو. لن أذهب إلى هناك. لقد تم الأسهم كيكن رئيس الوزراء سنويا لسنوات عديدة، ونتفق مع التعليقات أعلاه. أجد صعوبة في تتبع جميع استثمارات الأسهم بلدي على الرغم من. انشقاقات الأسهم كانت قضية لسنوات عديدة وانها ليست ثابتة بقدر ما أستطيع أن أقول في أحدث إصدار. أجد نفسي اضطر إلى إجراء المزيد من التعديلات اليدوية مما يهمني القيام به، وبعض لا يمكن حتى أن تكتمل. إن عمليات تنزيل الحساب المصرفي ليست دائما نظيفة إما لأن إنتوت ليس لديها عقود مع جميع البنوك لجميع الحسابات. لقد حصلت على تشغيل لمدة 3 سنوات من إنتوت واحد من البنوك بلدي حول لماذا تفشل التنزيلات. يدعي كل منهم أنها مسألة تقنية من جهة أخرى تمنع التنزيلات التلقائية. إنني أرى أنه صراع على الإيرادات، وتوقيت ترقيات البرامج، وتدابير أمنية مصرفية جديدة تحاول إغلاق الأبواب المحتملة المحتملة في السجلات المصرفية. عملت وظيفة التحميل اليدوي بشكل جيد حتى الإفراج ولكن لقد وجدت بعض الخلل لقد ذكرت ل إنتوت. إنتوت أيضا ليس لديها أسيس إلى k الاستثمارات لتحميل السيارات بقدر ما أستطيع أن أقول لذلك فإنه يجعل من الصعب القول هذا هو حزمة برامج شاملة التي يمكنك استخدامها للحصول على عرض كامل من الاستثمارات الخاصة بك. إذا كان شخص ما يشعر بشكل مختلف يرجى التعليق أكثر من ذلك. يمكنني استخدام البرمجيات المالية في المقام الأول لتتبع الاستثمارات و نيتورث. أنا غير مهتم في الميزانية أو تخفيض الديون. اعتدت 2018 المال لسنوات عديدة حتى بعد توقف مس دعمه وتوفير التنزيلات التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيا. تحولت إلى كيكن بريمير لاستعادة البرامج بدأت التنزيلات، ولكن وجدت العديد من السماسرة والمؤسسات المالية لا تسمح التنزيلات السيارات لأسباب أمنية. لا بد لي من تحميل يدويا على أي حال. لقد تم إبطال سبب التبديل. كان مس المال الخصوصيات الخاصة بها، ولكن كيكن لديها قضاياها، أيضا. ليس لدي هاتف ذكي أو أجهزة أخرى، لذلك كيكن ليس من مصلحة بالنسبة لي. عندما بلدي فترة ثلاث سنوات هو ما يصل، وأنا قد أعود إلى المال الميزانية العمومية لا قيمة لها تقريبا ولا حتى الإبلاغ عن حسابات الوساطة بشكل صحيح. هذا هو واحد من الاستعراضات السطحية عام 2018 لقد جئت عبر. وقد سرعان لم تنجح في جهودها لتوفير منصة متنقلة تعمل لعدة سنوات حتى الآن. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، اختاروا العمارة التي تجبر جميع المعاملات من خلال خوادمهم بدلا من السماح بالوصول المباشر إلى الوسطاء والمؤسسات المالية. ويرجع ذلك إلى هذه النقطة الاختناق أن كويكن يتحكم المستخدمين ويفرض سونستينغ ومشتريات الإصدار الجديد. قد تكون شركة كيكن رائدة في السوق، ولكن لديها بالتأكيد مشاكلها، والتي لم يتم تناول أي منها في هذا الاستعراض. أنا لم اشتريت كيكن أنا تشغيل كيكن رئيس الوزراء لم يكن هناك أي تحسن في واجهة كيكن مع المؤسسات المالية والوساطة في عدة سنوات. إيمو، واجهة المستخدم تزداد سوءا مع كل إصدار جديد. كيكن لا يعمل بشكل جيد مع الطليعة. حساب إعداد في الطليعة يبدو أن يخلط حقا كيكن. هناك الكثير من التعديلات اليدوية التي يجب أن يتم. لم أكن قادرا على التوفيق بين حسابات الطليعة في كيكن. الإخلاص يعمل بشكل جيد للغاية مع تعديلات طفيفة فقط. كيكن لا يعالج خيارات جيدة جدا على الإطلاق. أنا بخيبة أمل أن X - راي يعمل فقط مع واحد السمسرة في وقت واحد. هذا يبدو وكأنه مضيعة للوقت. الإخلاص يقدم وجهة نظر لجميع الحسابات. أرى أن كيكن رئيس الوزراء لديه تصنيف من 3. هذا هو جيد جدا ل كيكن في هذه المرحلة من دورة الإصدار. أعتقد أنني سوف تمر على الترقية. أوافق على التعليقات هنا. كيف يمكن لبرنامج قديم مثل هذا لا يوفر تجربة أفضل للمستخدم؟ في حين أجد ميزات "التحديث" تعمل بشكل جيد الآن، "التقارير" من الصعب مجنون لتخصيص. هذه التعليقات تعكس تجربتي أيضا. أنا أيضا أنا مستخدم مس مس السابق الذي لا يعرف جيدا كيف كان عليه حتى قررت مايكروسوفت أنها لا تريد أن تتنافس مع التسويق إنتوت على تطبيقات البرمجيات. وسأحاول أن أبقي تعليقاتي من مجرد "العنب الحامض". أولا، لقد استقال باستخدام الإصدار المميز من كيكن، لأنه لا حقا "تفعل" أي شيء أنا مهتم في أنني لا أستطيع أن أفعل مع الإصدار ديلوكس، وفرق السعر ليست ضئيلة. لقد استخدمت أداة الأشعة السينية مورنينغستار التي هي جيدة لإظهار ما هو في صناديق الاستثمار المشتركة وصناديق الاستثمار المتداولة ولكن وجدت القليل من الاستخدام العملي لهذا السبب، ذكر سابقا من قبل الآخرين، أنه لا يمكن إلا أن تستخدم على حساب واحد في وقت واحد. بين زوجتي وأنا، لدينا خمسة حسابات استثمارية في وسيط واحد، من أجل المسيح. وحساب استثماري خاضع للضريبة، وحسابين إيرا تقليديين، وحسابين روث إيرا. لذلك، العالم الحقيقي، فمن قيمة تذكر. أنا حقا لا يهمني تتبع الأصول والخصوم غير الاستثمارية مثل المنزل، والسيارات، وبطاقات الائتمان، والتحقق والادخار، وما إلى ذلك وإلى جانب ذلك، لا يحتاج المرء إلى الإصدار المميز لتتبع تلك على أي حال. ثالثا، أي شخص يعتمد على كيكن ضريبة البيانات ذات الصلة، سواء تحميلها إلى توربو الضرائب أو خلاف ذلك، دون التحقق من ذلك مع نهاية العام بيانات الوساطة هو التسول فقط لطن من العقوبات إرس مع الفائدة. لذلك، بالنسبة لي، وهذا هو أكثر قليلا من إنتوت التسويق. ومع ذلك، مرة أخرى، إنتوت هو الإفراط في بيع و الإفراط في التسعير-توربو الضرائب رئيس الوزراء بالمقارنة مع النسخة ديلوكس. والهدف الوحيد الوحيد المتمثل في منطقة "المساعدة" الاستثمارية. والذي يحتاج إلى مساعدة توربو الضرائب عندما جوجل ليست سوى سريعة بعيدا. يرجى ملاحظة، وأنا أشير إلى التعامل مع الاستثمارات الأمنية فقط. ليس لدي معرفة مباشرة ما يمكن القيام به فيما يتعلق الايجارات. لا ينبغي أن تكون هذه المقالة مكتوبة من قبل شخص غير مألوف مع الإصدارات السابقة من كيكن. أنا أيضا شراء ما لا يقل عن سنة نسخة قديمة من الأسهم لأن كيكن بطيئة جدا لتصحيح البق. أنا أيضا مشكلة لا نهاية لها مع التنزيلات التلقائية من وسطاء بلدي وقد استخدمت الأشعة السينية من مورنينغستار ولكن وجدت أنه ليس خيارات جيدة في تجميع معلومات تخصيص الأصول لجميع الحسابات المختلفة لدي. وبالطبع كيكن لم ير السهم لتكون قادرة على التعامل مع تداول الخيارات. وأوافق على أن هذا الاستعراض كان مخيبا للآمال. أنا فقط أتمنى أن إنتوت مجرد القيام تحديث واحد أن إصلاح كل تسريع التي يبدو أن هناك هناك عاما بعد عام. سأكون أكثر سعادة أجبر على الترقية إذا كان هناك بعض القيمة للترقية. بدلا من ذلك أنها تضيف ميزات قيمة مشكوك فيها وتوليد مشاكل جديدة. أعتقد أنهم يشعرون بالحاجة إلى استخدام الميزات لتبرير الترقية القسرية. ربما أيي يمكن أن تتفاعل مع إنتوت حتى خيارات من ذوي الخبرة يمكن أن توفر الإصلاحات اللازمة ومن ثم إنتوت يمكن التركيز على إصلاحات قيمة. أنا واثق من أنه يمكن تقديم قائمة جيدة. بعض المشاكل الأخرى التي تضيع وقتي هي مبيعات السندات والمشتريات مع تحويل إلى حساب النقدية التي نادرا ما تعمل. التوفيق الذي غالبا ما لا يصح بشكل صحيح إذا كانت هناك معاملات بعد تاريخ بيان التأخير الطويل إذا حاول المرء أن يدخل الأسعار في أسرع. وأوافق أيضا على ما سبق. كيكن يحتاج إلى مراجعة من قبل شخص يعرف تاريخها، المراوغات والقيود. هذا هو الرد القديم الذي أدليت به ل إنتوت: الآن، حتى بعد التحقق من المساعدة، ويبدو أن المرء أن إعادة تماما العملية، حتى لعناوين. بدأت باستخدام كيكن مع دوس الإصدار 3 واتبعته إلى الإصدار 8. اشتريت لا قيمة لها تماما كيكن ويندوز الإصدار 3، ورفع مستواها إلى الاصدار 5 وأخيرا وجدت كفو الاصدار 6 ممتعة للاستخدام. بسبب البق الناشئة والنسخة التي لم تعد معتمدة I الأسهم للترقية إلى كفو ثم ثم نعم يعمل بشكل أفضل من الإصدار ديلوكس. عند ترقية مس ورد، إكسل، الخ كويكن يفقد وظائف معينة في الإصدار الجديد فقط أن يكون لهم الظهور مرة أخرى في سنة أو ثلاثة في وقت لاحق كما جديد! لا يمكن حتى تصدير البيانات من حساب إلى آخر. اشتريت وأنا الآن باستخدام مس المال لهذا السبب بالضبط - يمكنني تحميل المعلومات من بلدي الاتحاد الائتماني، والذي لا يدعم الجديد الخاص بك مقابل رسوم القياسية. حاولت المال قبل بضع سنوات - لم يكن لديك في أي مكان بالقرب من وظيفة كيكن. الآن هو قريب وربما في غضون سنوات قليلة سوف اللحاق تماما. كلما أردت طباعة قائمة، أنا تصدير البيانات إلى إكسيل. في وقت لاحق أتمنى أن ميكروسوفت الإفراج عن شفرة المصدر للمال إلى مجتمع مفتوح المصدر ومعرفة ما اذا كنا نستطيع أن تأتي مع بديل لائق. غنوكاش هو هناك ولكن أنا لست متأكدا كم يقدم للمستثمرين. مع الكثير من الناس أأي باستخدام هذا المنتج، بما في ذلك لي، لسنوات، في المرة القادمة يتم مراجعة نسخة جديدة، وكيف حول وجود 2018 المستخدم منذ فترة طويلة تفعل ذلك وعلينا أن نعرف إذا كان قد تم معالجة أي من المشاكل الحقيقية. والأفضل من ذلك، ماذا عن الاتصال إنتوت نيابة عنا والحصول على رد على متى سيتم معالجة بعض المشاكل الحقيقية والمستمرة مع هذا المنتج. أحب أن النزول من كيكن، ولكن لا أستطيع أن أجد أي شيء آخر هناك أفضل. فالمراسلة مع كل شيء آخر، مثل التقارير والتحليل، مجرد ممارسة في الإحباط. تعليقات رائعة من جميع المستخدمين أعلاه. لقد رفعت إلى رئيس الوزراء بمجرد أن خرج في العام الماضي، وكان بخيبة أمل كبيرة. استغرق الأمر حوالي 5 أو 6 أشهر من التحديثات وإصلاحات الشوائب من كيكن قبل أن يكون حتى قريبة للاستخدام. أنا حتى لا تستخدم لتتبع الاستثمار، فقط لفحص وحتى أن ليست تقريبا جيدة كما يمكن أن يكون. أنا لن يتم ترقية لمدة 6 أشهر على الأقل، ويمكن فقط تخطي سنة هذه المرة. شكرا لكم جميعا على تعليقاتكم. صدقوا أو لا تصدقوا، أقرأ ما يقوله الناس ويحاولون استخدامه لجعل ما أكتب بشكل أفضل. أنا بالتأكيد سوف تبقي ملاحظاتك في الاعتبار المضي قدما. وفيما يتعلق بالمنتج نفسه، كنت أكتب مراجعة عالية المستوى عن تجربتي معها مع إشارة خاصة إلى قسم الاستثمارات. لقد ذكرت بعض القضايا مع المنتج ولكن نيتي كان لتسليط الضوء على ما هي العروض هناك وما المطبات قد تواجه المستخدمين. وأوافق على أن إنتوت لديه بعض العمل للقيام به لاستعادة الثقة نظرا لبعض الإصدارات مشكوك فيه حتى في وقت متأخر. بدلا من إضافة ميزات، وأعتقد أن ماك يجب أن تكون أولوية أعلى. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في بدائل مجانية على شبكة الإنترنت، موقع ويب مثل وافيبس. إذا كان هناك مصلحة سأكون سعيدا للقيام استعراض الموجة. الحفاظ على التعليقات القادمة! الاستعراض غاب ميزة رئيسية أخرى لكثير من المستخدمين: وهذا يتيح كيكن لعرض نوافذ قابلة للقراءة عند استخدام شاشات عالية الدقة. أنا لا أملك كيكن وهكذا لم أكن قد رأيت القدرة الجديدة، ولكن عندما قمت بترقية إلى رصد عالية الدقة قبل بضعة أشهر، كان عرض كيكن على هذا الرصد إلى حد بعيد الأكثر مزعج من جميع البرامج التي أملك وأنا وقد تسارع لوتبارتلي لأنني استخدام كيكن كثيرا. ماك منذ ذلك الحين عاد الشاشة. لسوء الحظ، لا تدعم وظيفة الأشعة السينية الجديدة تحجيم ويندوز. ونقطة منفصلة، ​​لا أختلف مع ادعاء صاحب البلاغ بأن المراجعات الضعيفة على الخط غير عادلة عندما يكون البرنامج "مجانيا". إذا كانت وظيفة التطبيق هو الفقراء، فإنه يستحق مراجعة سيئة، بغض النظر عن السعر. سرعان أمر ضروري للسيطرة على اموالي وهو محوري في القرارات المالية الكبيرة التي أقوم بها. وأعتقد أن إنتوت تم علاج المنتج كبقرة نقية لمدة عشر سنوات أو أكثر - وبعبارة أخرى، فإنها تأخذ الأرباح التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة كيكن واستثمارها في الشركات الأخرى في إنتوت، مع التقليل من الاستثمار في كيكن نفسها. المشكلة هي أنه لا توجد بدائل جيدة ل كويكن إذا زلات الجودة أكثر إذا كان هناك، وأنا لا أعرف منهم. توافر برنامج موثوق مثل كيكن له أهمية عملية أكثر بالنسبة لي من العمر من قضايا الاستثمار المحوسبة آي. أود أن أرى أي و سي وخاصة خطوة إلى الدعوة: الاستعراض السنوي هو فرصة ذهبية للقيام بذلك. غاب أي القارب هذا العام. لقد تم استخدام رئيس الوزراء، وترقية فقط عندما أجبر على القيام بذلك كل 3 سنوات من أجل الحصول على تحميل سعر السيارات للأوراق المالية المدرجة. بلدي قبضة الرئيسية هي ذات شقين: النظام غالبا ما يذهب إلى حلقة لانهائية عند دخول المعاملات يدويا، ولدي لإجبار إيقاف تشغيل البرنامج ومن ثم إعادة تشغيله. رمز خيارات رمز الأمان هو حقل يمكن عرضه على الشاشة ولكن لا يظهر في تقرير، مما يجعل من الصعب أحيانا فهم البيانات المصدرة بشكل كامل: لقد اشتكت من هذا لسنوات، لكنها تتجاهل مثل هذا الإصلاح السهل. الوضع مع السندات أسوأ من ذلك. ونظرا لأنني أحمل في بعض الأحيان إصدارات سندات متعددة من المصدر نفسه، فإن التفكير في برنامج كوسيب هو وسيلة جيدة لتجنب الغموض بين عدة قضايا مماثلة. But the program won't let you enter security symbols i. I have to create the security as a "stock", enter the CUSIP as the security symbol, then Edit Security Details to change it to a bond. How stupid is that? I have used Quicken since DOS days but finally gave up on using any version of Quicken to try and track investments. After countless battles with Quicken in trying to restore data, faulty updates, corrupted downloads and you name it, I finally moved our investments over to a program I found on AAII - Investment Account Manager IAM. Unfortunately it took considerable data input, but the surprise was that IAM support was readily available, personal and helpful. In nearly a year of use, IAM has been flawless in downloading from Scottrade, Ed Jones and the major mutual fund families. I've relegated Quicken to a fancy checkbook register. You can learn about IAM and another portfolio program, Fund Manager, both programs offer free trials at: Adding to the customer views above based on 25 years of Quicken use: AAII is a place I turn to for customer centric views. AAII failed me on stock one. Intuit continues to raid classic accounting features ex. This leaves a hole in the market that cries for a customer centric mainstream household accounting product. I hate to admit it, but Quickbooks may be the next alternative I look at. I've use Quicken for several years now and I would consider it a "love hate relationship" at best. For example, it does a very poor job of tracking qualified dividends, probably 2018 there is no uniform way for brokerage houses to report what is a qualified dividend vs. And that's important when one is doing tax planning So, Quicken next to useless as tax planning tool. Fix these problems or some competitor will come-along with a better solution. I missed this review when first posted and just caught up with it today. I agree that it is at best a superficial review, and with many of the comments that paint Quicken as an old program which periodically gets a new coat of whitewash, without any substantial improvements. As a former MsMoney user, I was forced to switch to Quicken when Microsoft gave up the battle. As a former I. As one commenter said, it is basically a checkbook balancer - although they have not managed to get my bank Webster into their reporting network, forcing me to export and import to balance. I have not had the issues someone reported regarding Vanguard, which is always in sync, and the program works fairly well with Schwab although if you update on the day of a trade it causes some kind of balancing error. Quite frankly, I would switch in a minute if something better were out there, but I co-exist with Quicken because unfortunately, there's not. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, Intuit, when my rating would be, at best: I share your pain. I have used Quicken since Quicken for DOS circa The product has gotten more sophisticated and more buggy. Intuit does not give one whit about whether they have a buggy product. All versions of Quicken are released as Beta, even though they charge full price. I happen to be lucky and usually change every other year. I use Quicken Rental Manager. It seems to operate without some of the bugs mentioned above, however, with respect to investments, a little bug can go a long way. Some downloads duplicate a position; some eradicate a holding. I have data from so I am their hostage. I also use IAM from Quantix. It does not do anything other than portfolio management and rarely gets stuck. However the Willms brothers are releasing new version about every two months with corrections or enhancements. Quicken is the best argument I can think of for competition and the free market. Their product sucks but with such a large installed base, it might as well be a public utility relative to ease of entry. I've quicken Quicken since I needed to upgrade soon as I was running I upgraded to about a month ago partly encouraged by this reviewand have been perfectly happy with it. There are no bugs that I've found in daily use of the Premier version. That said, I don't use the mobile app. Overall, the investment functionality works fine. There are certain functions such as the way they handle spin-offs that could be better, but still are fine. Yes, Quicken isn't perfect because they are trying to satisfy both heavy users with many investment accounts and those who just want to track their checking accounts. They straddle this divide fairly well. I am new to AAII. I found the long litany of comments on Quicken extremely enlightening. I'm glad I avoided the click. I read glowing reviews on Amazon I never buy ANYTHING from Amazon without looking over the reviewsbut they did not ring true given my past experience with Quicken going back to DOS versions. I have been an on again, off again Quicken user because of the same frustrations voiced by so many of the previous comments. Bottom line is I will not be getting Quicken for anything related mac investments. Back to basics as they say. Hello Quicken Basic maybe. Mint owned by Quicken has a lot of functionality and works better than Quicken Deluxe or Premier for transactions and budgeting, and it is free. The investment section of Mint is good enough. Import from banks, brokerages and mortgage company is good. Transactions can be modified, remembered and split as needed. I was a long time user in the early days even have the quicken credit cardbut Mint. Quicken does not appear to learn from Mint Since there was so much feedback involved in this article, is there anyone who commented that would be willing to write a review for Computerized Investing. Many of you had excellent examples of some features the software lags, errors that you find and more. I am interested in getting someone 2018 write a review that is options familiar with the software and has been using it for a long time. If you are interested, please email me at CI aaii. I have been a Quicken user since The present size of my data file is MB with over 60, investment transactions. With few exceptions I have upgraded every year simply for assurance that I had the mac and the best - yes, Quicken is that important to me. Why, I have no idea. Do I like Quicken? Absolutely, for the price there is nothing that even comes close to the usefulness of Quicken for tracking investments and for its graphic interface GUI with Windows. Before continuing with this review it is important that readers be aware of how I use Quicken. I absolutely never get investment downloads from any institution, all of my Quicken entries were inputted manually. Have I had problems with Quicken? Yes, and I can categorize all of them under three headings: By lockups, I mean that the program freezes and must to closed and reopened to correct the condition. Let's get this out of the way. Never, never, have I lost data in my Quicken accounts. Every lockup resulted in total recover after a restart. These lockups can be totally eliminated and prevented by understanding one thing. Although not published 2018 Quicken, Quicken has a limit to the number of transactions in any one account. I have found that limit to be somewhere between 2, and 3, transactions. How to circumvent the problem? افتح حسابا جديدا. For example, if I have an account named John, I simply open a new account named John1, John2 etc. When you open the new account you tell Quicken to transfer all assets from the old account to the new account and Quicken does it in one stroke and automatically keeps track of all relevant information such a "lots". I believe that many of the complaints levied against Quicken mac due to this one problem that is so easily rectified. All of the lockups I encounter when doing reports are related to two things. The large size of the report, and any attempt to copy the large report to a file or the clipboard. Options problem remains unresolved up to my present Quicken. My temporary solution is to make the reports smaller. For example, if I want to export all of my transactions to Excel via clipboard, I do it by chopping the reports over time. Like dates totoand tofollowed by a cut and paste in Excel. Hopefully, Quicken will resolve this some day since there is no excuse for this given todays' computers that contain 16 or more GB of RAM and HDDs' in the Terabytes. Once again I believe that this problem is due to the size of my Securities List, presently at which is over the suggested soft limit published by Quicken. If I am correct about the cause of this problem, there can be only one solution for me - Start a New File. Oh, how I would hate doing that! To be deprived of linking all of my historic performance reports stock be unbearable. Hopefully, Quicken will fix this problem before I am forced to start a new file. Something I realize is just Hopeful Thinking. Through the years Quicken has met my needs for tracking my investments and bank accounts. Have I ever attempted to find a substitute? So call it cheap love, and call me addicted, but Quicken is for me. You need to log in as a registered AAII user before commenting. 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Using computerized tools and resources to prepare and file your personal income taxes. Quicken Premier for Windows. Free Credit Monitoring Tool. Discussion Fred Dunfey from AZ posted over 2 years ago: Tony Hausner from MD posted over 2 years ago: Jeff David from IN posted over 2 years ago: Long Time Quicken User from VA posted over 2 years ago: Honest Conn Man from CT posted over 2 years ago: Michael Clohossey from CA posted over 2 years ago: Robert Lassiter from IL posted over 2 years ago: Kenneth Woltz from FL posted over 2 years ago: The Balance sheet is almost worthless and does not even report brokerage accounts correctly GB from NJ posted over 2 years ago: Ronnie Spruell from LA posted over 2 years ago: Timothy Wheeler from PA posted over 2 years ago: Bud Sloan from Nevada posted over 2 years ago: Gale Hamilton from VT posted over 2 years ago: J Patek from NY posted over 2 years ago: Fred Brockman from FL posted over 2 years ago: Donald Jones from VA posted over 2 years ago: Steven Helton from IN posted over 2 years ago: Jayanthi from Illinois posted over 2 years ago: Hareesh Jayanthi Sir Dodo from Mac posted over 2 years ago: Peter Gollon from NY posted over 2 years ago: Ronald Marr from IA posted over 2 years ago: A Prophet from OR posted over 2 years ago: Charles Layfield from PA posted over 2 years ago: Mary Ann Edson-Plumb from CA posted over 2 years ago: Kurt Salm from IL posted over 2 years ago: Don B from VA posted over 2 years ago: Jackie McClellan from IL posted about 1 year ago: Create an account Log In. 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Printing Checks in Quicken 2018.

5 thoughts on “Quicken 2018 mac stock options”

He was also capable of discussing before the court any intricate question of law, which gave him at least as much influence there as was consistent with an impartial administration of justice.

Successful candidates will demonstrate commitment to teaching, mentoring, and inspiring students who represent a broad range of classes, genders, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and religions.

I use it all the time because some words I just type in error, some I am not sure about, and some I was wrong to start with.

It has mountains, plains, deserts, fertile soils, rivers and oceans.

To ignore or blow off these two parts of the body is just not the way to go.

Quicken Alternatives – Is There Anything Better?

Quicken is one of the oldest and most recognized personal finance programs available, with more than three decades of history behind it. But for many users, it just doesn’t cut it.

The first edition of Quicken was released back in 1983 — long before the World Wide Web went live. Developed by former owner Intuit, Quicken was a sturdy, workhorse software solution for personal finance management.

But then everything changed when practically every aspect of our lives went online.

How Mint Edged Out Quicken.

The downfall of Quicken can be traced back to September 2009, when Intuit, then-owner of Quicken, Quickbooks, and TurboTax, purchased Mint and added the site to its product portfolio. In the following years, Intuit operated an online version of Quicken, called Quicken Online, in parallel with Mint, which offered a nearly identical feature set. In late 2009, Intuit announced that Quicken Online would be merged into Mint. This was the first big sign that Quicken was on the way out of favor at Intuit. And existing Quicken Online users were left in a precarious situation with no ability to migrate their historic data.

Quicken Desktop users fared better, as the program was updated each year and was even sold to a private equity firm. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect.

Why It May Be Time to Ditch Quicken.

There are many downsides to Quicken’s desktop program that make the service unappealing to Millennials and other tech-savvy personal finance enthusiasts. Here are some of the downsides of Quicken compared to better Quicken alternatives:

No automatic background updates. Clumsy process to manage bank account connections. Data saved on your computer is susceptible to loss from a computer crash. Multiple editions with higher pricing for more features. Some features not available on both Windows or Mac versions. Desktop version required to view the phone app. Quicken doesn’t support some banks and finance companies that other programs support. Quicken can be expensive, while most Quicken alternatives are free to use.

The one place Quicken stands out as a stronger product is in tracking investments over time. However, the most important features to track cost basis and potential taxes are built into most brokerage websites when you log into your account.

Alternatives to Quicken 2018.

While there are some good alternatives, the list of desktop-based personal finance apps is quite short. In fact, Quicken doesn’t have much competition. And not all of these services will cater to your personal finance needs. So it’s important to read our detailed reviews and determine the best one for your situation.

The most exciting services today are web based, including several options below. However, if you’re looking to transition to online personal finance management instead of desktop software, you might find some interesting choices in our Mint alternatives article.

Personal Capital.

Personal Capital is an excellent personal finance app that syncs your spending, saving and investing accounts. It's easy to use, plus it's free! Personal Capital has a powerful feature that completes a thorough checkup of your investment portfolio. However, its Wealth Management service, is more expensive than other robo advisors.

Complete View of Your Finances Powerful Investment Checkup Support via Many Apps The You Index Easy to Use Custom Allocation of Unknown Assets Great Reporting All-Inclusive Wealth Management Fee.

Asset Allocation Is Not Customizable Budgeting Tool Needs Improvement Cannot Reconcile Expensive Wealth Management Service High Minimum for Wealth Management No Import Option From Quicken.

If you are looking for a web-based finance app that focuses on investing, this is we recommend Personal Capital. In fact, we have it on our list of the best investment apps. Unlike Mint, which focuses a lot on budgeting (and where your money has gone), Personal Capital emphasizes investing and saving for retirement. You can track expenses with this app, but you can also create an investing plan — and even have the app analyze your investing fees and help you avoid them. Larry Ludwig, our editor-in-chief, has replaced Quicken with Personal Capital and lists the reasons why here.

This free app summarizes all of your accounts in one dashboard with an emphasis on investments. While it is light on budgeting tools, it is great for helping you save on investment fees and manage your portfolio for long-term growth.

You Need A Budget (YNAB) is one of the more popular budgeting apps on the market, and for good reason. It costs very little and has great synchronization features. Although YNAB doesn't track your investments, it excels at creating and managing your budget.

YNAB Is All About Budgeting Goes Beyond the Mechanics of Budgeting Low Cost YNAB Continues to Evolve.

No Phone or Email Contact Not a One-Stop Shop for All Things Financial Lacks Two-Factor Authentication.

YNAB focuses on four basic principles: Stop living paycheck to paycheck, give every dollar a job, save for a rainy day, and roll with the punches. It’s less about tracking where your money went and more about telling it where to go. This is a great software option for those especially interested in zero-based budgeting.

This app has a cult-like following with fans who love its strategy of giving every dollar a job. YNAB is budget-first and is designed to make you think about how you and your family spend, save, or invest every single dollar you earn.


Looking for an alternative to Quicken for Mac? Moneydance could be a great alternative for you. You can use it to manage as many as 100 transactions for free or buy it outright for $49.99. The app can help you manage your investments, remember to pay bills on time and create budgets.

A Decent Alternative to Quicken for Mac Easy to Check Your Budget Bill Pay and Reminders.

Transferring Data From Quicken Can Be Difficult.

Moneydance is a desktop app. It allows you to create a budget, gives you bill-pay reminders, generates helpful financial charts and graphs and offers investment support. You can link your accounts online for automatic updates or enter your information manually.

Mac, Windows, and Linux users can all use this desktop-based app. This is one of the closest competitors of Quicken, and it stands out for its ledger-based account management and useful graphics and reports.


Moneyspire is a personal finance platform that aims to organize your money by keeping track of all of your transactions and helping you with your budget. However, with no Android support, a cumbersome signup process and limited functionality, there are better personal finance apps out there.

One Screen View Good Customer Service Linux Support.

Cumbersome Setup No Android Support Possible Bank Fees Free App Is Limited.

Moneyspire offers support for Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can create a budget and download transactions from your bank. Moneyspire is free to try and can be downloaded from their website. The mobile version is available for iOS only, with no Android support.

Moneyspire is focused on making money management easy and does so with simple and easy-to-follow views. The majority of your time in the app takes place on one screen so you don’t have to worry about jumping around between views.


Banktivity 6 is personal finance software that gets right what Quicken for Mac gets wrong, offering several features that only Quicken for Windows provides. However, it doesn't come cheap, as you'll have to pay an annual fee to connect your bank accounts.

Strong Macintosh Support Private Cloud Sync Multi-currency Tagging Report Exporting.

Costly Requires Latest macOS iPhone App Costs Extra Odd Portfolio Categorization.

Banktivity is one of the few native applications for Apple’s MacOS operating system, along with Moneydance and Moneyspire. Of these three, Banktivity is one with the most features. In addition, like Quicken for Windows, Banktivity offers mobile synchronization with your iPad, iPhone and even your Apple Watch.

Mac users rejoice; this Mac-first app looks and feels natural for Mac computers rather than just putting a Windows program in a Mac wrapper. Banktivity is easy to navigate and quickly find what you need. Or set up workspaces (pages) to see exactly what you want when you want it.


Although it lacks the sophisticated planning tools that other apps provide, CountAbout can be a handy tool for budgeting and managing your current personal finances. A highlight: The app allows you to easily sync all of your personal finance accounts in one location.

Smartphone Access Import Quicken or Mint Transactions No Ads Great Reporting.

No Bill Pay Annual Fee No Financial Planning.

CountAbout is an online service that automatically downloads your transactions into one central place and allows you to create budgets with ease. Unique to CountAbout, you can import your existing transactions from Mint or Quicken. Sign up for the free 15-day trial.

It is rare to find a web-based personal finance app that can import from Quicken or Mint, but CountAbout has you covered. And you can access your data from your phone. While CountAbout is not free, it offers a clean, ad-free experience.


PocketSmith is easy-to-use, convenient personal finance software that lets you track all of your spending, credit and investing accounts, as well as projecting your future finances. Unfortunately, if you just want to use the free version, you'll find its functionality somewhat limited compared to other free personal finance apps.

Flexibility Track One-Time Events Create Your Own Categories Google-Like Calendar System Compatible With Mint Smooth Signup Process.

You Won't Master It in a Day Free Version Is Limited.

Web-based PocketSmith not only lets you track your spending, but it generates projections of your future financial picture. You can also create monthly, weekly or even daily budgets that start on any day you choose (no waiting until the first of the month).

PocketSmith is easy to set up and use, flexible and convenient. Plus, its unique calendar feature is extremely handy and gives you a window on the future of your finances.

Quickbooks Online.

QuickBooks Online is the online service to beat. Their service is easy-to-use and is a good fit for most small businesses. The downside is customer support is poor.

Easy to Use Online Banking Mobile Access Third-Party Apps.

Poor Customer Service Difficulty Importing Data.

For individuals who need full accounting software, or like to treat their personal finance like a business then QuickBooks Online is your answer. From a part-time side hustle, full-time business, or managing real estate QuickBooks can’t be beat. It is our recommended accounting software. Plus they have a 30-day free trial.

Readers: Which alternative do you like? What’s your favorite software option? Got another suggestion for a Quicken alternative? اترك تعليقا!

اقترح لك.

Personal Capital Review 2018 - Track Your Investments Free.

Why I've Switched From Using Quicken to Personal Capital.

Quicken Has Been Sold…What Is Next?

Mint Alternatives 2018 - Better Personal Finance Software.

I can’t tell from ANY of these reviews whether they meet my needs. All I want is a computer based “balance my checkbook” program, and to be able to do the same for my credit card accounts, and to be able to fold this into budget and tax planning….. just like Quicken except not so extremely customer unfriendly like Quicken is.

I am still using Quicken 98 on my Windows 7 Computer. Only probn is keeps asking for floppy to back up, but I managed to configure it to back up to C: Mind you I am still looking for an alternative that is as easy to use as Quicken 98.

If it were me, I would migrate to an online option. Futzing around with programs that are nearly 20 years old and ask you to use floppy disks is probably a big waste of your time.

My Quicken still works fine, I never used the download statement options, I prefer to do that manually and it backs up to my C Drive wonderfully, just clikck no when asked for floppy disl. Before Quicken I used an app called Page ChequeBook (freebie) then it disappeared off the market even though I was willing to pay for it, and Quicken 98 was nearest I could find, even though I do not use a lot of features in it. I have no intention of backing anything up online.

In the 1980s, I wrote a basic finance tracking program in BASIC. In the early 1990s I gleefully jumped on the Quicken bandwagon. In 1998 I changed banks to be able to download banking data in Quicken. Suddenly, I did not have to do data-entry and everything was good.

As Quicken the company tries to frog march me away from Intuit, I am questioning if I want to put my financial data into the cloud for them to “aggregate”. Do I want to pay a subscription every year or face them locking my ability to add and change MY data? This is sounding a lot like ransomware!

I am going to use my legacy version of Quicken for as long as possible. My current thinking on a plan b is to do everything in Excel.

I run Quicken for Windows on a MAC. Windows 10 runs on a Virtual Machine (Parallels Software). The recent manditory Update to Quicken 2018 demands various xxx. exe programs be shut down. This puts down the virtual machine and thus shuts down Windows, so no update. Quicken support has no solution.

I have been using Quicken since the early 1990’s mainly for bank and credit card expense tracking and check writing to pay bills. Today I was forced to migrate from Intuit to the new Quicken website and as a result had to abandon my Intuit ID and create a new Quicken ID. My intuit ID was a name I made up, but the Quicken ID must be a valid e-mail address. So I entered a new ID using my regular e-mail address and then had to use that to log in. Quicken (the program) autofilled the User ID field with my Old Intuit ID ( an e-mail) and I was not able to overwrite it with my new Quicken ID. I was dead in the water. I initiated a chat session and eventually was able to log in (after 3 hours on chat - no phone support on weekends and phone support requires premium support) .

I was disturbed when I completed the migration from Intuit to Quicken because I was greeted with a Welcome to the Cloud. That welcome made me suspect that my quicken data file may have been exported to one of their servers. I did not sign up for mobile device use as I do not trust any such service to be able to adequately protect my data which includes access information to investment accounts as well as passwords for banking services also, data that is essential in order to be able to manage accounts from a mobile device. The agent I was working with insisted that Quicken didn’t have access to that data, but I pointed out that there was no way for a mobile device to be able to manage accounts without access to that data, and there would be no way for Quicken to access the data on my home computer when it was shut off. Instead Quicken would have a copy which would be updated and then when I launched quicken from my computer it would sync up with data on the cloud. I can think of no other way it can be done without that being the case. The agent insisted I was not correct.

Given the hacking of credit bureaus, and Government websites etc, I have no confidence at all in on-line services and would never consider trying to manage my finances from my phone. I am a security expert, though not in web based services, but instead my expertise lies in designing highly secure communication devices for DoD and Government secure communications. I understand the kinds of vulnerabilities that exist and the internet is a direct pipeline for hackers to try and gain access to anything connected to the web. As an individual user I am not a target worthy of attack, but financial management services companies like Quicken are a huge and valuable target and definitely will be targeted.

I have lived with all the of bugs and quirks of quicken for years, but I am now looking for something that gives me the ability to manage my bank accounts, credit cards transactions etc so I can write checks and pay my bills. I neither need or desire any cloud base services.

Hi John, pretty much all of these services are cloud based or moving that direction. Desktop based services simply can’t keep up with the power and preference for what we can do online these days.

I have been using Quicken for about 20 years. I found out today that in order to move Quicken to a new laptop I would have to purchase an upgrade for $109.00. I only use it for budgeting and tracking my expenses on my check book. I’m only using this software on my laptop and not on my Android phone. I would like to replace Quicken with another program that I can use on my laptop and not have to be online. Anyone have any suggestions.

Which of the programs recommended would one use for a real estate company / real estate agent?

None of them, Quickbooks Online since you are a business. See our review for more details.

I’ve lost all ability of accessing 20 years of Quicken Home & Business Files – I can see many of them, I can see them in my external hard drive backup files, in Norton OLBU cloud etc. but nothing I’ve done has repaired it and there is no explanation why it functioned on June 8th but not on June 10th. I’ve lost weeks , 7 of them, trying to repair it and I’m desperate. I need online Banking, Tax Reporting, manual breakdown of expenses for tax reporting. I dont’ know how I’ll replicate 2017 nor access years of past tax info. and reports. It’s overwhelming. MS can’t help, Norton can’t help, I’ve been everywhere possible, Toms Hardware, bleeping computer, everyone has tried to help – except Quicken. I’ve never met a more useless group of “techs” في حياتي. Honestly, I’m certain I’ve taught them more about PC’s and how they function than they’ve helped me. I’ve worked with the guts of my PC and nothing has helped so it’s time to move on. PC is 6 years old with a reported “bad motherboard with that model” , thanks HP.

I’ve used Quicken Canada editions for over ten years, but I think it’s time to part company.

Over the last two days, I have spent over 1½ hours on the phone with support and many more hours on my own trying to resolve an issue, only to be told that they no longer will honour their promise to provide support until the end of May 2017.

On Tuesday, I couldn’t update banking information from the previous day. I downloaded QFX data files from two different financial institutions, but they wouldn’t upload. Clicking on the files initiated a search for a file “Quicken2017.msi”.

I called Quicken and the first support person said it was a Microsoft problem and they couldn’t help and advised I reinstall the program.

As my new laptop doesn’t have a disc drive, I located my original installation disc for Intuit Quicken Home & Business 2017 Canadian Edition, and copied the disc files unto an older laptop, and then transferred that zip folder & files to my current machine. Installation went fine. Attempted to update the banking QFX files once again withour success. This time the program was “blind and dumb” & # 8230؛ said I didn’t have an internet connection — (which I did) and requested my Intuit ID. Efforts to input it, repeatedly failed.

I contacted Quicken again and again the support agent was unaware that support for Canadian Quicken was supposed to continue until the end of May 2017.

Continued efforts to seek help and download the MONDO patch update were frustrating, as the agent discovered the links to support pages are gone and help is unavailable for Canadian 2017 versions — the program will no longer allow connection to banks or allow any downloads to update accounts.

الحل؟ The agent offered me a $10 discount, attempting to entice me to upgrade to Quicken 2017.

In view of the poor experience, lack of knowledge exhibited and failure to honour the support promise, let’s just say I’m not anxious to buy.

Anyone suggest a good software alternative to Quicken that allows me to transfer my existing data? I’ve already looked at a number but am open to opinions based on your experiences.

I have used Quicken for many years with no problems until a few days ago. I am currently using Quicken Deluxe 2018 (with Windows 10). I use it only for checking account management, including printing checks, reconciling monthly statements, and sorting transactions into categories for generating income tax data. I do not download anything from my bank or credit union. So I need just a smoothly functioning checkbook program. A few days ago I opened Quicken and several years of checking entries had mysteriously disappeared. I tried to restore the data from my Quicken online backup/restore account, and even more entries disappeared. After reading of similar problems had by others, I am reluctant to continue to use Quicken. I need an alternative. أي اقتراحات؟

Quicken for Mac 2018 is probably the worst computer program I have ever used. I have been trying to set up consistent on-line bill paying options and can’t do it. Bank of America says Quicken has terminated their direct connect option and Quicken says it should work.

Don’t buy Quicken for Mac 2018 – it’s not ready for prime time.

I am a Quicken user from their beginning, and still use it. I stopped “updating” years ago when they began to strip out functions to sell indivitually. The old versions WILL still work and are not buggy, but they won’t do the bill pay from Quicken or the auto download from all your accounts that require you to “upgrade to latest version”. I stopped at V2000 and it does and the portfolir management, charting, transaction posting and management entered manually, but it works. And it will generate “tax prep reports” that you can print and enter data into TurboTax, which I have also used decades. I struggled with switching to Windows versions of their programs, but that allowed use of much larger files, and I have decades of data in use. All of it is on my own storage – a network server is not costly and keeps your data in house. Encrypted. Safe. Cloud, to me, is flatulance! I don’t want it.

If you watch what they are doing, you can sense they are switching those who will follow them to “rent ware”. This concept was attempted in the DOS days too, and the concept was to use software stored on a remote server, connected through COMPUSERVE, or similar, via 300 baud modem. Remember the huge long distance phone bills in those days? And when you installed this “service” on your HD, whatever you did passed through your new “service”. To escape required a new DOS install. Looks to me like Windows 10 is headed that way. Do you really need it? Or want it?

I’ve been using YNAB for the past week. I think this is great for smaller, single person budgets, but not for a larger one with multiple bills every month. There is no calendar to put bills on, instead all future bills are listed right in your account register, which bogs it down. You also do not put your income in your budget, only your withdrawals. I’m not sure why that point of that is. My budget says its $4000 a month, but if you don’t add in your inflow how are you supposed to know how much extra funds you have for paying off debt or putting into savings? Its a great looking program, but won’t work for our household.

I am looking for a free simple financial software with a mobile app. I just need to manage one checking account and have access to my budget on the mobile app. I am an it professional and would prefer a desktop version were i can store the data file in Syncplicity or Dropbox.

Now with Quicken’s ID verification, if you use wifi, you have to have a code emailed to you each time you sign on! They say it’s only every two weeks, but I just sat on a chat for an hour to find out if you’re not hardwired, it’s EVERY time. مثير للسخرية.

I too have used Quicken for the last 20 years and it runs my life and I’ve adapted it to run my business. My last update was in 2007 as the product was pulled from the uk, I had to register my copy to a random address in the states to get it to work.

We have a product here now called quick books also by intuit, which I have installed today to see if I can transfer my files. It won’t accept them.

I’m a letting agent and the categories on quicken allow all of my landlords to have their own account and like the author I have over 60 accounts on the product and the register feature is invaluable for me.

I need to find alternative software or upgrade to a newer version of quicken – my concerns are that as I’m a uk user it won’t allow ne to do this, but if I could then maybe I could transfer to a different uk product by intuit that’s available in the uk.

I am not technical …. Don’t need automatic downloads fron the banks and don’t use all of the features of quicken.

If anyone has any advice I would be grateful.

Do any of the alternatives involve a way to put in transaction (current and future) and then reconcile them? Mint doesn’t seem to have that option.

The desktop apps yes, online apps no.

I had been a Quicken user >20 years. But for years I have become increasingly frustrated, and actually quite irritated, over the bugs and poor support. Additionally, I am a Mac user and I had to run Windows on Parallels just to keep Quicken. So I finally took the plunge and converted to iBank. I have to say, the transition requires some commitment – you have to learn a new UI and go through the conversion process – but it is worth it.

Some tips if you decide to convert: I found there were too many problems if I imported my entire Quicken database. Better to just import last couple of months of data for one or two accounts and basically start fresh, without all your historical transactions going back many years. This way you have less historical stuff to clean up. (I got duplicates of some imported transactions.) In fact, I would not have done any import if not for the fact I wanted to bring over all my customized categories. I also found that if I created an account fresh in iBank and set it up for online access, the initial online bank feed would typically shoot across a bunch of recent transactions, in some cases a month’s worth. So just creating accounts from scratch worked pretty well. It gave me warm fuzzies to see the account created with a few weeks of recent transactions and accurate balance. Another thing I discovered – and this is the only drawback – was that for some financial institutions which supported Direct Connect to Quicken, iBank requires me to use their Direct Access service, which is a subscription service that costs $.

Overall, I am happy I made the change and I’m free from Quicken. It takes a while to learn iBank and figure out some things which aren’t clearly spelled out in the documentation. But it’s worth it to get away from the aggravation of Quicken’s bugs and lack of support.

I read about your suggestions to replace Quicken. Don’t have an investment account, so none ofthem appeal to me. Do you know of a program that will compare to Quicken plus handle rental property?

I know of no such product/service that can do what Quicken can do.

Do any of these other options allow import of Quicken data? Sometimes need to go back to find out about a personal transaction.

iBank, Moneydance, YNAB, and GNUCash all support imports from Quicken. They do it through the QIF file format. Some do it better than others.

On the Mac side consider See Finance. Very solid on the accounting side. Bugs are few a far between. Not flashy, but does everything it needs to do. Great support, responsive developer … the product is the big fish in their pond, not like Quicken Mac’s little fish in Intuit’s giant pond.

I have used Quicken for years and like many here had to stop using it when I chose not to upgrade to 2018. I am not yet a fan of the cloud only because I’d rather have the information on my computer than on a server somewhere that could get hacked. That’s just me, though. I purchased MoneyDance. It is ok. It takes more work to reconcile transactions, at least for me it did. I have yet to finish reconciling transactions from all of last year. It would probably have been easier if I had not imported my Quicken data. Like others, I am waiting for someone else to develop an amazing program for home use that downloads and reconciles smoothly.

Well I had been a Quicken user for 15+ years, and I have watched it go from bad to worse over the last 10. Most recently it was actually screwing up my account records. When I searched around for an alternative, I came up with CountAbout. It does everything I need to keep track of my accounts. I never did use Quicken for investment tracking, so this was not important to me.

What was important was the ability to access my info from my Android phone. Of course you can do this with Quicken if you go the “sync with the cloud” route, but if you are going to do that why not have it in the cloud in the first place? I find it liberating not to have to worry about a locally-based database, with all the backup implications.

I have been an “early adopter” of Countabout for almost a year now, and I have to say that I am very happy with the product, its capabilities, and the incredibly rapid support response. For me there is no looking back.

I have not opened Quicken for at least 6 months. I am not concerned with importing all my old Quicken data. I keep it around for historical reference purposes, but that’s all.

Of course CountAbout has just released the Quicken import feature, for those who need it, along with a limited inclusion of investment balances, and multi-factor authentication.

I’m very happy with CountAbout, and as long as they keep it as clean and light as it is now, I’m sure I will stay with it.

I, too, having been a long time Quicken user and am having multiple problems with downloading balances, database integrity, crashes, etc.

I bank with Bank of America and they’re recently added something called “My Portfolio” which I’m going to try out. I mainly used Quicken to track multiple accounts and keep track of spending by category. Hopefully I can do those basics on the BoA site.

I was a Money user and was among those forced to use Quicken. It was frustrating at first, but I finally figured most of Quicken out. It is a non-intuitive program. I’m in the 2018 version so Intuit’s standard 3-year sunset should not affect me yet, but for whatever reason, my credit union recently stopped allowing me to download into Quicken. Undaunted, I found an easy software utility that will allow me to download a *.qbo (for QuickBooks) file from my credit union, run it through the utility, and then Quicken will import it (pretending it is another bank!). Check out OFX Cleaner from BigRedConsulting. Works like a charm.

My long-term strategy, however, is to move to QuickBooks Online (QBO), or one of the QuickBooks desktop programs for my personal financial management as I believe Quicken will start to die (or continue to do so, it seems.) I will have to give up investment management because QuickBooks does not do that well, but I had a really hard time with that area in Quicken anyway. Will let my broker manage that, ha! So my answer to the question is the only viable alternatives I see are QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Pro desktop version.

I love how the question, “which alternative do you use” turned into an open rant about Quicken. Fellow users, I feel your pain, but with all due respect I did not come here to hear about your problems. I did come here to see if there were any alternatives, of which there seem to be (inexplicably) few.

I have told my computer-code writing brother-in-law, on more than one occasion, that if he wants to get rich he should develop a cloud-based, user-friendly, low-cost alternative to Quicken. I cannot understand why this market is so devoid of options. Mint, a Quicken offshoot, blows. There are seemingly no viable alternatives.

In any event, it doesn’t appear there are many options. Maybe I’ll try Money Manager, the only alternative that was actually offered. Hope you all make it through okay!

I have used Quicken for over 20 years. I recently was forced to upgrade form Quicken 2018 to 2018 because Quicken stopped supporting the 2018 version and online transactions with my banks stopped working. Now that I have Quicken 2018 there has been nothing but trouble with online banking. I need to continually reset accounts, accounts get renamed, Quicken pocks up during resets and I have to kill it and restart, After months of frustration I finally called Quicken support. They told me my Quicken data file was corrupt, probably because of a virus on my system. (Note: I am diligent about scanning my system and protecting my data and have never had this problem before Quicken 2018, what a coincidence). They informed me they could fix it and have me multiple plans to choose from (single year or multiple year) starting at over $300. I declined.

So I did a fresh install on a different computer. Recreated my Quicken home from scratch. I have the same problems. So much for Quickens integrity.

Why is Quicken a favorite of yours? I’ve been using it for 2 decades or more and what I find is every time I upgrade, which they force you to do, it gets worse. More bugs, features that used to work don’t work any more, etc. Frankly, I’d go back to the DOS version if I could! Or at least the version from 15 years ago. بشكل جاد.

Suddenly Quicken 2018 stopped interfacing with my bank. I understand that 2018 is a nightmare. Does anyone have any ideas on what we might do to fix this? I’d be grateful.

Same for me: Q’12 just stopped working. Luckily, I did research before buying ’15. I’m going to try some listed here, Hopefully one is at least as useful as my old standby Excel workbook.

I just received a notice I have to upgrade to Quicken 2018 or my software will stop downloading my bank transactions. I hate Quicken. You can never speak with a live person. I have a very simple need. CHecking/Savings/ other small accounts/Annual Reports of the activity. Don’t have investments or porfolio I need to keep updated. Any suggestions on a Good software that will provide support and not Extort upgrades from you.

i’ve been a quicken user since the 80’s and recently i decided to upgrade to Quicken 2018 Deluxe from 2018. it was a freakin’ fiasco and i lost of most of my data (10 years) and it was a nightmare trying to get support (it’s all online and no real person to speak with plus you have to use the Intuit webpage and it sux too).

anyway, i gave up with the upgrade and reverted to 2018 again; however, i’m now looking for an alternative personal financial package. my 2018 works fine but it’s Quicken and they don’t deserve my continued loyalty.


I agree that Quicken is a buggy software and Intuit is a 19th century-style company that can’t adapt to the web. When I tried to enter a Fed. Tax Withholding on one of my investment accounts I received a message asking for a Payee/Description. If anyone has any info on how to correct this situation, please contact me.

Quicken 2018. what fresh new hell is this? 1 step forward & 2 steps back. my files keep getting corrupted, my bank keeps rejecting my sync? I wasn’t even going to upgrade but the dang thing kept popping up AD’s (I mean SERIOUSLY I pay good money for ADWARE?) And if you DONT upgrade they change the protocols with the bank so you HAVE to upgrade, Screwing up all of your data files. (I have 20+YEARS of data files to convert each time.) And what is with needing to log in with an Intuit password. I do not WANT my files connected to THEIR cloud server!

I’ve been a Quicken (and TurboTax) user for the better part of 20 years. I agree they have realy gone downhill. With respect to the online balance problem, I used to be able to reconcile to online balance which inevitably matched my cleared balance. Now, no matter what I do it seems to be using the statement balance – which makes it nearly impossible for me to reconcile my accounts any more, since I no longer get monthly statements. What a pain! Time to switch.

I am so sick of quicken. it doesn’t work. they can’t fix it. There’s NO ONE to talk to. I need an alternative NOW.

Anything is better than Quicken. I used MS Money for years. It was intuitive, worked flawlessly. When they went away, I began to have nothing but trouble with Quicken. Reaching their support is a pain, and then they waste my time, always ending by telling me my file must be corrupt, so I need to start over. How they manage to dominate the market with this buggy, awkward software is being me.

I just cancelled my order and requested that my account be erased. This company has truly gone to crap. There must be some competition, somewhere, that isn’t created by Intuit. (Because I’m not going to QuickBooks, either.) Anyone? Because I really used to like Quicken Home & Business, but they processed an order for this without telling me they didn’t create a version for Mac. Idiots! This is NOT a way to do business.

I like Money Manager Ex. It’s free and portable. While not perfect, I’ve been using it for 6 years to track my finances.

We recommend Personal Capital and YNAB out of the entries, these are online services. Otherwise if staying local Quicken is still the best.

No it uses Intuit’s services to download and sync data from your financial institutions.

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مساعدة في جعل التمويل سهلة. المستثمر جونكي هو الاختصار الخاص بك إلى الحرية المالية. ونحن نعلم أن إدارة الشؤون المالية ليست سهلة. نقوم بتحليل ومقارنة الأدوات لمساعدتك على اتخاذ أفضل القرارات لحالتك المالية الشخصية.

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية المستثمر جونكي.

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المستثمر جونكي هو الناشر المالي الذي لا يقدم أي نصيحة مالية شخصية أو الدعوة لشراء أو بيع أي أمن أو استثمار لأي فرد معين. وينبغي أن يدرك الأعضاء أن أسواق الاستثمار تنطوي على مخاطر متأصلة، وأن الأداء السابق لا يضمن النتائج المستقبلية. المستثمر جونكي لديه علاقات الإعلان مع بعض العروض المدرجة على هذا الموقع. المستثمر جونكي يحاول اتخاذ نهج معقول وحسن النية للحفاظ على الموضوعية نحو تقديم الإحالات التي هي في مصلحة القراء. المستثمر جونكي تسعى جاهدة للحفاظ على معلوماتها دقيقة وحتى الآن. المعلومات عن المستثمر جونكي يمكن أن تكون مختلفة عن ما تجد عند زيارة موقع طرف ثالث. يتم تقديم جميع المنتجات دون ضمان. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية الكامل.

Moneydance Review 2018 – Quicken Replacement for Mac Users.

Review of: Moneydance.

Reviewed by: Miranda Marquit.

Last modified: December 26, 2017.

Moneydance is a great alternative for Quicken lovers and those who are disappointed with Quicken for Mac. You can try it for free, up to 100 transactions, or buy it for $49.99. Some of its best features include creating budgets, bill reminders, and investment support.

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For years, I used Quicken. It worked well on the Macintosh and had a ledger-looking interface that I loved. When I bought a computer in 2008, it came, pre-installed, with Quicken 2005 for the Mac. رائع.

However, when I bought another computer in 2018, I discovered that Quicken 2005 was no longer being supported. I was discouraged with the Quicken Essentials for Mac. Even the new Quicken for Mac, doesn’t do the trick for me.

After poking around a couple years ago, I found Moneydance. I am fairly satisfied with Moneydance, and while it isn’t as awesome as Quicken 2005, it is the closest thing I’ve found to it, and I still like it better than the new Quicken for Mac 2017. It’s not worth making the switch for me.

Moneydance Features.

Create a Budget — You can create a budget with the help of Moneydance. When you approach the limit in your categories, they show up orange to warn you that you are close. Another great feature of Moneydance is that you have a great home screen that helps you keep track of where you stand. You can quickly see what you’ve spent so far in the month. It’s color-coded so that you can see which categories you are spending the most on. It’s a quick and easy way to see where you stand in the month, and it’s right there when you first open the software. Bill Reminders — Schedule reminders to pay your bills. I also use the feature that allows you to automatically enter transactions. That way, my automatic debit transactions are accounted for without a lot of thought from me. Moneydance also offers free billpay. This is one way that you can stay on top of what you owe — and when you owe it. Your upcoming bills are also represented on the home page when you open the software. There is also a handy list of bills that you owe off to the right, so that you can quickly click and see what you normally pay. Unfortunately, what’s listed is all bills past and present, so some of them might be items that you no longer pay, or that have changed. Extensions — Interestingly, Moneydance has a public API. You can use various extensions to further customize your experience. Investment Support — You can also track your investment portfolio with Moneydance. Customize your options, and take advantage of the possibility of specific ID of shares so you can track tax lots. Moneydance can also be set to automatically download current prices. The software also helps you perform cost basis computations and stock splits computations. It’s a quick and easy way to stay up to date on what is happening with your investments. Graphs and Reports — Generate a number of reports that can help you keep track of your spending in certain categories. You can also generate graphs and charts that let you see your entire financial picture. While Moneydance doesn’t have tax integration, it’s still possible to sort things by category. This is what I did in Quicken anyway, breaking out business expenses and other deduction categories. You can also get a solid idea of cash flow. I like to use the graphs that let me quickly see where my income is coming from, as well as where my expenses are going. You can get a detailed cash flow report, as well as see graphical representations. It’s a good way to keep on top of exactly what your financial picture looks like. You can look at year-to-date, all of last year, or adjust to a variety of different time periods to see where you stand. Mobile — An iPhone app that syncs up with your desktop (via Dropbox) and allows you to enter transactions while on the go! This is pretty handy, since it means that your mobile and desktop are in sync almost immediately, so you don’t have to worry about changing it yourself later.

Moneydance works in multiple currencies and has international support. It also offers the option to password protect your information. You can try Moneydance free for the first 100 transactions, and after that you need to pay $49.99 if you want to keep using Moneydance.


What is Moneydance?

Moneydance looks like a ledger, and that’s one of my favorite things about it. I enter my transactions manually, but it’s also possible to update with transactions from your bank, but you have to download them and import them to Moneydance using OFX, QIF, or QFX files).

You can also arrange to have your transactions automatically updated from your financial institutions, by linking accounts. I’ve never been a fan of that since I prefer to manually enter my information.

But if you like the automatic update, and you are interested in mobile access from anywhere, Moneydance can be a great option for keeping track of your finances — including investments.

Moneydance Alternatives.

إيجابيات وسلبيات.

A Decent Alternative to Quicken for Mac — Moneydance is a good choice for Mac users looking for a Quicken alternative. Easy to Check Your Budget — Moneydance makes it easy to see how you're doing with your budget. Bill Pay and Reminders — Moneydance can help you stay on top of your bills.

Transferring Data From Quicken Can Be Difficult — It can be tricky to transfer your data from one program to the other.

What Would Make Moneydance Better?

One of the biggest complaints about Moneydance is that the transfer from Quicken isn’t all that smooth. I converted my Quicken data to a QIF, and then followed the prompts to “Import File,” and selected “From Another Program.” Most of my data transferred, along with most of my categories.

I did have some duplicate transactions to fiddle with, and for a couple months I had to make adjustments as I reconciled my account statements, but things seem to be running smoothly now.

In fact, now that I’m used to using Moneydance, I don’t want to go back. I tried the new Quicken for Mac, and it just didn’t hold up, so I decided not to switch. I’m pretty happy with the situation as it is now.

Overall, I really like Moneydance. It’s a great alternative for Quicken lovers, especially those who are disappointed with Quicken for Mac.

اقترح لك.

Quicken 2018 for Mac Review - Now with Bill Payment.

Quicken 2018 for Windows Review - Now Subscription-Based Software.

Mint Review 2018 - The Bill Pay, Budgeting, and Tracking App.

Personal Capital Review 2018 - Track Your Investments Free.

I had to leave Moneydance after two years as my bank will no longer allow downloads. When contacted, Moneydance said that they can’t control what banks do. I now use the banks bill pay section (though inferior as only two years of information is retained,

Unfortunately, I did buy Moneydance. I downloaded it, but I can’t figure out how to do anything with it. And, there is no customer service to chat or talk with. Anyone else having the same experience?

Don’t buy Moneydance. It now has a MAJOR problem with printing Checks and Reports. It cannot properly communicate with the print driver and will not print or will print after a 5 or 10 MINUTE delay. It has been 6 months since MD became aware of this problem and as of June 1st the only thing you get from MD is an apology, that they are aware of the problem and they are trying to work out a fix. 6 months and they still can’t fix it, that’s a JOKE! After 5 years using MD I had to bite the bullet, and bought Banktivity. At least Banktivity can print checks, while MD can’t!

After 10 years of use, Moneydance developed a problem about a month ago that had something to do with Java, according to its error log. Balances on the summary page would be updated every 30 seconds or so, each time with a new, ridiculous number. Balancing my accounts wasn’t possible. I’ve written to Infinite Kind twice about this, including their error log and, each time gotten an automated acknowledgement and then nothing. It’s possible that they are out of business. I came here to find a replacement.

Which of these, if any can have a hierarchy of categories? I don’t want to have Gas, Electric, Water, etc, I want Utilities, then under it Gas, Electric, Water, etc. In addition, I’d like to have major categories for myself and for my wife. So, for example, Husband – Gas, car maintenance, food, etc AND Wife – Gas, car maintenance, food, etc.

Can any of these products do that or all they all flat?

Hi Bob, all of the personal finance apps we’ve reviewed can do this. I’m not aware of one that doesn’t.

I left Quicken on my iMac and switched to Moneydance. Loved my choice EXCEPT, that after using it for almost a year all my files and entries vanished. I have been trying for weeks to find a way to restore them, so far to no avail. ملحوظة. Moneydance has no phone in help line. I have repeatedly communicated on the internet, but am losing hope of a solution.

Been a MD user for 9+ years and while a decent app, support is hit and miss. Feature implementation is almost non-existent but they do jump on bugs – so there’s that. But if you come across any UI or wish list items, chances are they will not implement it any time soon if at all. I’ve had at least 6 feature changes to the UI that were all in high-demand by the user community and all were cancelled never to be implemented. Your best option is to presume WYSIWYG – if it works for you right after install, then you’re probably good to go – but if not, then try something else.

Can Moneydance generate a P&L report similar to Quicken’s Home and Business?

I’ve just moved to MoneyDance for Mac after almost 21 years as a Quicken user. The reasons for my switch:

1. The more recent versions of Quicken don’t support foreign currency transactions and foreign currency bank accounts very well or even at all.

2. Quicken no longer seems so interested in supporting Mac users.

3. I actually kept a separate NetBook computer running a 1999 version of Quicken (on Windows XP Home OS) just for my finances. It did everything I needed, and the old MSi netbook still works perfectly, but I was worried eventually it would crash and then I’d be in a mess.

So after exploring many options and doing my research I decided to give MoneyDance a trial. حتى الان جيدة جدا. I decided to start by creating a new set of records commencing on December 1st 2018 and so that, if everything went well, from January 1st 2018 I’d stop using Quicken and move over to MoneyDance completely. Main points:

1. I had to manually enter all my data into MoneyDance as importing the data from my 16 year old version of Quicken wasn’t going to be very easy. That was my bad, because I’d not upgraded to newer versions of Quicken.

2. MoneyDance does not have the same quality of charts and reports as my old (1999) Quicken did, but then ironically neither does the current version of Quicken. I miss this.

3. MoneyDance seems to work very smoothly. Very fast on my 2018 MacBook Pro (i7 with 8GB of RAM and running OSX El Capitan fully updated).

4. The automatic stockprice data and exchange rate updates work very well. There are a couple of quirks, but nothing I can’t live with.

5. The Summary page that greets you when you start MoneyDance is excellent. It presents you with all the essential information at a glance.

6. Support is superb so far. I had my question answered extremely well within 24 hours.

7. The only thing I’d like to improve would be the charting stuff. I think this still needs work, e. g. I’d like to have pie charts for my portfolios that showed percentages for each stock. Also better bar charts for net-worth and assets vs liabilities and income vs expense etc.

If you’re a Mac user who wants to do their finances on a Mac, and also have multicurrency headaches, then I highly recommend you take a look at MoneyDance. It’s great value for money.

MoneyDance is awful and a complete waste of money. I too used Quicken98 until I changed to a 16 bit machine and it was no longer avalaible. After shopping around and using their free trial i settled on MoneyDance as the best of a bad job.

It is very clunky and you have to click on an item 3 times to change an entry, you can not tab through with the tab or enter key. After a couple of years I wanted to move to a Mac but my version was no longer supported and I could not export my information so I had to pay £45 for an upgrade! Now although I can get the new Mac version to import my information the import file starts on 12th May 2018.

Where is my current information? Why do I have to pose my question to a forum instead of getting a quick email response?

As the lead developer behind Moneydance, we all appreciate the thorough and thoughtful review. Thank you Ms. Marquit!

I have used Quicken 2007 for Mac and previous versions since 1992. In the past, I was able to itemize credit card bills by category along with itemizing my checks and then quickly finding individual categories as year-to-date totals. I was unable to do this with Quicken 2018 for Mac, and was wondering if Moneydance would allow me to do this. I would like further information on this asap since I will have to transfer my Quicken 2018 for Mac to Moneydance in time to work on my 2018 income tax.

Does anyone out there have an answer for this??

I tried to import my historical Quicken data to Moneydance by Exporting Quicken files onto QIF files, and then importing to Moneydance. It didn’t work. I asked for support from Moneydance. They asked me to send my Quicken files to them and they presented me with a “clean” QIF file. However when I imported them into Moneyweb, it was a complete mish-mash of accounts and dates that it was totally irreconcilable. As I rely on historical information, and as Moneydance support was not willing to help any further, (I got a blunt Case Closed message from them) I had to dump Moneydance as an alternative to Quicken.

I’m Moving on. I used Moneydance for years, even getting used to their quirky way of merging downloaded transactions. Then, after an upgrade, Moneydance no longer used the date I entered to make a bill payment, seemingly entering a random date that was as much as a week off the date I’d requested. Another upgrade and it stopped connecting to my bank altogether (BBVA Compass). It took my own Internet investigating to find others having the same issue and discovering that Moneydance hadn’t updated their connection information since 2003. Their support sent me “solutions” they’d sent others, merely changing the name on the emails to make them look personalized. Their solutions don’t work. Goodbye, MD.

Bye bye Quicken essentials…

I had Quicken for Windows for YEARS, worked fine. Then I bought an iMac, got Quicken essentials, thinking it would work the same..nope. No amortizations schedule, arrogant support, excessive pricing.

I tried iBank for a few days, not impressed. I tried Moneydance also for a few days and got very frustrated with the the import of Quicken data, eventually gave up and started from a fresh file…but kept the software. Not very sexy UI, missing the ability to customize (ie remove what I don’t care about from the opening UI), but that’s just it, I love the simplicity, the ability to track my investments (with automatic download of updates) amortization schedule of my loans, data analysis.

With the facebook coupon it will cost you $40 ($75 for Quicken Essentials)..

BTW I am also giving up on TurboTax, which I have been using for over 20 years. I am done with Intuit and their idiotic marketing tactics, superiority complex. Giving H&R block a go next year.

Money Dance has abysmal support. I tried for weeks to get support to migrate my Quicken Essentials data to Money Dance and was never successful. All support is done by email — no real time support to solve intractable problems.

2018 Moneydance has changed from previous versions. I’ve been a reasonably satisfied user until this year and will not upgrade to the new version. The flaw in the program is the lack of retention of automatic setpoints to previous dates (a little like system restore) so that you could roll back the program to a previous date if you made a major error in your entries. Previous versions have had automatic setpoints.

The new version removed the setpoint function and replaced it with a manual backup that you can do, if you remember. There is no reminder. This backup is put in a zip file and there is a fairly complicated mechanism described to actually go back and use it. What used to fool-proof is now a set up for foolish disasters.

Just wanted to let you know that the latest update to Moneydance 2018 restores the ability to (automatically, if you like) export backups to a folder of your choice. We still *strongly* recommend using a periodic backup system for all of your data files, as those are better at doing this same job: usually they are incremental and hopefully off-site for additional safety.

Sean (Moneydance developer)

Thank you for your review… وجدتها مفيدة جدا. Yes, my plight has been my preference for Quicken and my recent migration to a MacBook.

Moneydance appears to be somewhat similar and given your recommendation, worth the switch.

Since I am really hooked on Quicken’s Budget features, I’m curious whether Moneydance offers time variable budget snapshots; i. e., report tables by month or quarter for every category one might choose.

I’d send you a. png but there’s no way to do that with this format.

Hopefully, you’ll understand what I mean.

Thanks and Cheers,

This last was a great in-depth review and helped a lot. One thing no one has mentioned is support. I have had such bad experience with Quicken (user 1996-2018). Last support spent 1 1/2 hours working on importing addresses and was finally told Quicken only imported Quicken data files. Then was later told to stop wasting supports time when I tried to help someone else. So my question is how is MD support? شكر.

I use both Quicken 2018 (Windows only) and Moneydance (Mac and Windows) in parallel, double recording because comparing balances and reports helps me spot occasional data and date entry mistakes that I make. I have been on Quicken since 1988 for DOS and on Moneydance for close to 4 years. Here is my take. Both applications are really nice to use and I have little to complain about. The work I do requires that on some days I am on Windows and on other days I am on a Mac. I particularly like that Moneydance works the same way on both operating systems and uses the same file format. For me, that is the best strength of Moneydance. I can sync the file across operating systems and it opens perfectly on the other system when I move over to it. The new Quicken for Mac doesn’t offer the same functionality as Quicken for Windows and uses different file formats on the two operating systems. That is a big disappointment. For that reason, I use Quicken only on Windows. Moneydance has a big downside in that some banks refuse to acknowledge it and support it. Moneydance software works anyway most of the time because the banks don’t seem to know or care that it isn’t Quicken connecting to them for transactions and payments. However, Banks occasionally make interface changes that break client applications and when that happens, banks work quickly with Intuit to make things right but they are reluctant to make any effort to help non-Quicken users. When I have asked, banks have told me, “Sorry, we only support Quicken.” (I am talking about Chase, Citibank, SFFCU and BofA). Even then, Moneydance works most of the time. A few months after a compatibility problem starts happening, problems sometimes just clear up by themselves for me. I suspect that Moneydance staff or Moneydance users might be working behind the scenes to help. I wish banks and credit card issuers would be more open-minded about use of non-Intuit software. Quicken software is much faster at account reconciliation from imported transactions, requiring fewer manual steps, but Moneydance does a better job at matching tricky transaction differences even though it is somewhat of a manual process on Moneydance. Reporting is quite good on both apps but Quicken has an easier-to-use reporting interface. Bulk transaction editing is more comprehensive in Moneydance; it is not a native feature but comes from a third-party free add-in. Only Moneydance enables one electronic payee to have multiple account numbers, which is useful for example when different members of a family go to the same doctor but each has a different billing account number, or when doctor offices change all of our account numbers (which happens from time to time). In those situations, Quicken requires me to set up separate payees for each family member and for each account number change, so Moneydance offers a better solution… except for one problem. Going into Moneydance’s menu to set up or edit an online payee takes forever and a day. Moneydance’s report tool is very capable and their graphing tool is extra good to have, but custom reporting using Quicken is easier to set up and tweak. If I could choose only one product, it would be Quicken, and that would be problematic for those days I am only on the Mac. I really like using Moneydance but I cannot give up Quicken because I am totally dependent on having 100% bank support always for electronic transaction downloads and payments and transfers. I have tried other products in the past few years and each offers its particular advantages but they all did a poor job of historical Quicken file imports — Moneydance is the best of the bunch and only needed manual intervention on old IRA/401K transactions — and the other apps did badly at bank and credit card reconciliation, reporting adequately for tax purposes, and bank connectivity.

Many thanks for the extensive writeup on Quicken vs Moneydance. I’m one of those in the predicament of having 20 years of data and using Quicken 2006 (New Zealand version) and have looked everywhere for an option to move so that I don’t have to run Parallels on my mac just to run Quicken. I have the added problem that the data off my quicken version won’t import into US versions so I may have to just archive it and refer back to it on parallels which would pain me greatly. I find it hugely helpful to be able to go over 20 years of financial data at times.

The problem for me is that I like the quicken investment accounting and reporting and also the customization of the reports available in quicken. I have yet to find another program outside of quicken that can do that as well. A lot of the US based programs like Personal Capital won’t even work outside the US.

May give money dance a go, people on this website talk highly of it.

Reading the above and comparing it with my own experiences is disheartening. Having to run two software packages, bank support issues, software support issues…

Computers are supposed to make life easier. Unfortunately, the financial sectors’ implementation of software solutions has been convoluted across the board. Banks’ Web payment methods are clunky at best and many times buggy. Software “upgrades” often are not. The last decent financial package I used was Managing Your Money by Mecca software. I migrated to Moneydance when I went to a Mac but their last two “upgrades” are buggy in a key area (the software doesn’t honor the date on which you want a bill to be paid). It’s a known issue that just doesn’t seem to get fixed.

Thank you for helping me take a step in the right direction: going back to paying bills with my checkbook.

After I bought my new iMac I purchased Quicken 2018 for Mac and am very disappointed with it. I have been using Quicken 2007 for Mac for years and love it. The 2018 version has been stripped of all its greatest features. Can you tell me if you can use classes with Moneydance? I need to be able to generate reports: income statements, balance sheets and investment reports such as capital gains. I also really loved the report details you can generate with Quicken 2007. I’m considering purchasing Parallels so I can run Quicken for the PC, or can I achieve these things with Moneydance?

Thanks for you review! I am desperate to find something to run on my Mac, Tried Budget Tracker. Did not like it. Quicken Essential for Mac is a joke. One question on the budget feature. Can you set up a budget with different amounts each month in a category. For instance, can i budget “X” amount for insurance in the months it is due and “0” in other months?

Under your review summary, you mention, “You can try it for free, up to 100 transactions, or pay $49 a month.” Is it really $49 per month or $49 one time?

Im so confused, I’m seeing monthly everywhere but on the website it doesn’t say anything about paying monthly.

I have been looking for a solid product that can track all my accounts and investments on a mac but yet to find one. I will give these guys a look thanks.

إعلان المعلن.

Featured Personal Finance Software.

Banktivity CountAbout Mint Moneyspire Quicken 2018 for Windows Quicken 2018 for Mac Personal Capital (recommended) YNAB (recommended)

Personal Finance Resources.

المستثمر جونكي الشهادات.

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مساعدة في جعل التمويل سهلة. المستثمر جونكي هو الاختصار الخاص بك إلى الحرية المالية. ونحن نعلم أن إدارة الشؤون المالية ليست سهلة. نقوم بتحليل ومقارنة الأدوات لمساعدتك على اتخاذ أفضل القرارات لحالتك المالية الشخصية.

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية المستثمر جونكي.

البقاء على اتصال للمستثمر جونكي.

المستثمر جونكي هو الناشر المالي الذي لا يقدم أي نصيحة مالية شخصية أو الدعوة لشراء أو بيع أي أمن أو استثمار لأي فرد معين. وينبغي أن يدرك الأعضاء أن أسواق الاستثمار تنطوي على مخاطر متأصلة، وأن الأداء السابق لا يضمن النتائج المستقبلية. المستثمر جونكي لديه علاقات الإعلان مع بعض العروض المدرجة على هذا الموقع. المستثمر جونكي يحاول اتخاذ نهج معقول وحسن النية للحفاظ على الموضوعية نحو تقديم الإحالات التي هي في مصلحة القراء. المستثمر جونكي تسعى جاهدة للحفاظ على معلوماتها دقيقة وحتى الآن. المعلومات عن المستثمر جونكي يمكن أن تكون مختلفة عن ما تجد عند زيارة موقع طرف ثالث. يتم تقديم جميع المنتجات دون ضمان. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية الكامل.

Quicken For Mac 2017 – It’s Getting There.

Quicken 2017 for Mac is here and may finally be the Quicken that Mac users have been demanding for years with a fully functional Bill Pay, new interface and enhanced reporting features. After many years of having to endure an inferior product on OS X, Quicken for Mac is now finally much closer to the Windows version although shortcomings still remain. The fact that Intuit recently sold Quicken to H. I.G Capital in March has definitely breathed new life into a woefully neglected product by Intuit who were unable or simply unwilling to bring Quicken for Mac up to speed with the Windows version leaving many Mac users switching to increasingly popular Quicken alternatives such as Personal Capital. With more investment in the Mac version and a new dedicated Quicken for Mac product manager however, the new owners seem to be putting more effort into Quicken for Mac. After the disappointment of Quicken 2018 and Quicken 2018 on Mac, Quicken has delivered a Mac version of Quicken that’s considerably closer to the Windows version so here we take a closer look at Quicken 2017 for Mac.

What’s New In Quicken 2017 For Mac?

In a nutshell, the most significant improvements in Quicken 2017 for Mac can be summarized as:

The introduction of a fully functional Quicken Bill Pay like in the Windows version of Quicken A Modernized and Standardized Interface comparable with the Windows version Enhanced Budgeting (12 month budgets, although this was also introduced in an update to Quicken 2018), Investment and Reporting features A More Powerful Mobile App.

We’ll now look at these improvements and some of the shortcomings that still remain in more detail.

Quicken Bill Pay Is Finally Here.

After Mac users were let down by a lite version of Bill Pay in Quicken 2018 for Mac, it seems that the new product development team at Quicken have finally listened to the complaints of Mac users and added a fully functional Quicken Bill Pay for Mac in Quicken for Mac 2017. Bill Pay is arguably the most requested feature in Quicken for Mac after it was inexplicably removed from Quicken 2007 for Mac and for that alone, will be worth the upgrade for many users. The enhanced Bill Pay in Quicken 2017 for Mac means that Mac users can finally pay their bills from most banks within Quicken, including small and regional banks.

The Bill Payment Services are provided by the same handlers as on Windows – Metavante Payment Services – and Bill Pay works just as well on Mac as on Windows now. Quicken Bill Pay on Mac also allows you to transfer funds between accounts at the same bank and pay all of your bills, just as on Windows. Note that there are bound to be some banks and institutions that still don’t work with Quicken Bill Pay (some may also charge application approval fees) but this is often due to problems on the bank’s side and not Quicken so you should always check with your financial institution first to make sure it is supported. Quicken claims to be supported by 14,500 different financial institutions though so it’s safe to say, you should be fine. Even when it is supported, you should still be careful with it when making bill payments as payments can fail for no apparent reason without any kind of notification and it’s often hard to work out if the problem is on the bank’s side or Quicken’s side.

Note that Quicken Bill Pay isn’t free as you must pay subscription for it. Quicken Bill Pay currently costs $9.99 per month for the first 20 payments with every 5 payments after that charged at $2.49 per batch. Quicken Bill Pay also includes Direct Connect Bill Pay (which was already included in Quicken 2018 for Mac) and supports around 450 financial institutions.

New Interface.

The most notable visual change to the Quicken 2017 for Mac interface is not only a fresher, newer OS X style look but it’s now consistent with the Windows interface. Before, switching from Quicken for Windows to Quicken for Mac was more confusing than it should be, partly due to the fact that the interfaces were quite different. As a result, it’s now much easier to migrate between platforms.

For example, this is how the new look Quicken 2017 for Mac Home tab looks:

And this is the same screen on Windows:

Quicken 2017 also looks sharper than previous versions of Quicken too, partly due to the fact that it’s finally been optimized for high resolution displays also.

In general, Quicken 2017 does a much better job of bringing all of your essential data together in one place via the Home tab than previous versions. It’s now easier to see the state of your checking, savings, credit cards, investments, retirement, loans in one place. All of this information is updated in real time as Quicken updates it from your financial institutions.

While Quicken has definitely made the interfaces on Quicken for Mac and PC more similar however, the range of features is still not the same on Mac as it is on Windows (more on this later). In addition, the Mac interface still isn’t as easy to customize as on Windows – simple dragging and reshaping of reports and transactions is very limited compared to Quicken for PC.

Importing Files.

The first thing you’re likely to want to do after installing Quicken 2017 is import a file. You can import data from previous versions of Quicken including Quicken For Mac 2007 – 2018, Quicken Essentials, and Quicken for Windows. However, this isn’t all plain sailing depending on the version of Quicken you want to import from.

When you start Quicken 2017 for the first time, you’ll be presented with the import options: Start a new account from scratch, Quicken 2018 & 2018 for Mac, Quicken Essentials, Quicken Mac 2007, Quicken Windows or a. QIF file from another financial software for Mac.

If you’re importing from either Quicken 2018 for Mac or Quicken 2018 for Mac, you should have no problems. Just make sure all your accounts are up to date in either Quicken 2018 or Quicken 2018 and Quicken 2017 will automatically convert and import your accounts in their entirety and accurately. If you’re importing from Quicken Essentials, Quicken 2017 will also import everything including all accounts, transactions, tags, budgets, bill reminders, investing accounts etc. However, since Quicken 2017 for Mac has supports considerably more features such as more detailed investment tracking of lots as well as holdings), it may be easier to start from scratch and then re-add investing accounts manually.

Importing from Quicken 2007 is another story however. Although most account data will import, budgets and transaction attachments do not. There are also features that were part of Quicken 2007 that aren’t part of Quicken 2017 that will not import including loan amortization schedules, home inventory, emergency records data, explicit lot assignments and securities watch lists. The absence of loan amortization schedules in Quicken 2017 is a particularly disappointing oversight as it seems crazy that you can’t easily track something as simple as mortgage repayments or car loans in a personal accounting software for Mac as big as Quicken. In addition, at the end of the import you’ll need to reestablish all of your online banking downloads by going to “Accounts > Setup transaction download”.

There are even more issues when importing Quicken for Windows 2018 files or higher. All account data will import except budgets and transaction attachments. And again, features that are not part of Quicken 2017 for Mac including loan amortization schedules, home inventory, emergency records data, explicit lot assignments, securities watch lists, address book and lifetime planners won’t import. Quicken has confirmed that ESPP and Incentive Stock options will transfer but only as a standard holding without tax related information such as strike prices. In addition, Quicken Windows Rental Property Manager users won’t be able to import property specific data (tenants, rents etc) and Quicken Windows Home and Business will not be able to import business specific invoicing data. And finally, as with importing Quicken 2007 data, you’ll need to re-establish online banking downloads manually again.

Confusingly, if you buy Quicken 2017 from the Mac App Store you will need to convert Quicken for Windows files first on a PC and convert from a Quicken Data File (QDF) to QXF format before you can import them into Quicken 2017:

Finally, the QIF import feature is for if you want to import your accounts from Quicken alternatives for Mac such as Bankitivity (formerly iBank). If you want to import data from other personal finance software such as Bankitivity, Microsoft Money or MoneyDance, you simply need to export it in QIF format first and then import it into Quicken 2017 (if you’re interested in running MS Money on your Mac by the way, you can find full instructions how to install Microsoft Money on Mac here.)

Whichever method you choose for importing, it can take a while depending on the size of your accounts but you can expect something in the region of around one minute for every year of accounts you are importing. You should always make sure the accounts you are importing are up to date and always check the account balances afterwards to make sure they are the same.

In general, the import tool works efficiently with some manual cleanup needed but as you can see, it very much depends on which software you’re importing from. The inability to import certain things from Quicken for Windows either due to technical issues or simply because those features are not available in Quicken 2017 for Mac is disappointing and will no doubt infuriate some users.

Connecting Accounts Online.

The next thing most people do is connect Quicken to their bank account. Quicken connects three ways depending on the system your bank supports: Quicken Connect (Express Web Connect on Windows), Direct Connect and Web Connect. The good news is that also seems to have been significantly improved in Quicken 2017. There is a slight difference between each method though as you can see below:

Previously, connecting to and downloading data from financial institutions could either be highly unreliable or resulted in messed up account ledgers, broken connections and general headaches. We tried with a SunTrust account and syncing was surprisingly smooth and credit card, savings and current accounts downloaded and synced with Quicken 2017 correctly. You will have to do some manual renaming of accounts but in general, the online bank account syncing compared with previous versions works far better. However, we’ve heard mixed reports for Wells Fargo but the good thing is that the Quicken for Mac team are proving surprisingly responsive at investigating and fixing issues with specific banks (see the “Updates To Quicken For Mac 2017” section below).

Quicken 2017 categorizes transactions and makes it easier to see where your money is going. You can choose to view spending by category or over time to help you keep tabs on where your cash is being spent. Spending year-on-year comparison reports were one of the most requested features in Quicken for Mac and they’ve now finally been added in Quicken 2017. Quicken also tries to help soften the blow of bills via Bill Reminders which show you the impact of of forthcoming bills before you get them to help you make sure you’ve got enough funds to cover them or avoid late fees or overdraft costs. One other neat addition to Quicken for Mac is the Spending Cloud which shows via words where the majority of you’re money is going – the bigger the word appears in the Spending Cloud, the more money you are spending on it. Useful if you just want to see what’s costing you the most without needing to see the amounts or dates of transactions. You can also setup Spending Alerts which are triggered when a large purchase or certain balance has been reached to make you more aware of spending in real time. These appear at the top of your Dashboard and can also be sent to you via email. It’s also now possible to use tags and categories to filter spending reports and see sub-totals for those tags and categories which hasn’t been a feature of Quicken for Mac since Quicken 2007 for Mac. Quicken 2017 also now allows you to export category and tax summary reports to CSV.

Investment tracking has been enhanced in Quicken 2017 for Mac allowing you to organize and optimize your investment portfolio with more detailed, lot-level investment tracking. You can quickly see your investment transactions and realized gain and view a Schedule D report to see short-term or long-term profit and losses. The ability to view Portfolios by statement date (Portfolio time machine) was missing from Quicken 2018 and is another addition to the 2017 edition. In Quicken 2017 for Mac, you can also sync your investment holdings to the Quicken mobile or tablet app to see your portfolio and monitor changes throughout the trading day. If you need to, you can still download holdings, balances, and transactions in Quicken 2017.

You can sync your online investment accounts with Quicken 2017 for Mac but we do recommend checking whether your investment institution supports it. For example, investment house T Rowe Price does not support Quicken for Mac because it requires betters support for single-mutual fund accounts.

One of the other most wanted features in Quicken 2018 was 12 month budgeting. This was another inexplicable abscence from Quicken 2018 for Mac and Quicken 2018 for Mac but has finally been added to Quicken 2017. The 12-month budgeting tool helps you to setup a realistic 12-month budget based on your spending history. You can then tweak and customize your budget and set budget goals until you’re satsified with something you think you can stick to. The Budgeting tool will then track your progress throughout the year and you can check it any time to see how you’re doing via the Quicken mobile app.

Report Types.

There are several new report types in Quicken 2017 for Mac compared to previous versions of Quicken on Mac and the reporting capabilities have been enhanced. Most reports you can filter by account, category, payee, date and tag (called “classes” in Quicken 2007 for Mac) and then save your customized reports. Reports possible in Quicken 2017 include:

Account Summary Activity Last Month Activity This Month Calendar (with reminders, transactions, and balances) Cash Flow/Projected Balanced Forecast Chart Category Summary Report (Spending by category) Tag Summary Report (Spending by tag) Year over year category, payee and tag comparison reports Net Income Graph Net Worth Over Time report Payee Report Spending Cloud Report Spending Over Time Tax Schedule reports (Schedule A, B, C, D). You can also add customized categories for any other federal tax schedule, such as Schedule E.

Although some account “views” are not included as “reports” in Quicken 2017, you can choose different views to reveal things such as a 1 month and 12 month budgets as well as an Investment Performance views to show portfolio value, cost basis, and gains. You can generate reports from any day of the year via the Quicken calendar too.

Quicken 2017 Goes More Mobile.

Quicken 2017 features an upgrade to the free Quicken Mobile App for both iOS and Android. The iOS mobile app works on iOS 8.0+ and Android 3.0+ – Blackberry but Windows Phones are not supported. Any new transactions or changes you make on your mobile device are still automatically synced with the desktop version but users now have slightly more detailed account information at their fingertips. Editing data is still extremely limited compared to the desktop app although you can still take photos of receipts and sync them with the desktop app. The Quicken mobile app is probably most useful for tracking investments and transactions or searching transactions, checking, savings and credit card purchases on the go.

For the first time, you can also now see a full history of your transactions when you sync data with the desktop version of Quicken 2017. This is particularly useful for investment holdings as you can sync them to see your portfolio and monitor trading fluctuations and movement throughout the day.

Finally on iOS, Quicken has also introduced fingerprint ID in the mobile app for faster and more secure access. In fact, security in general has been enhanced in all Quicken 2017 products with two factor authentication introduced.

Despite these improvements, the Quicken mobile app is still very limited whether you’re a Mac or Windows user. Basic information such as cash flow and credit card transactions are better organized and accessible but other useful data such as scheduled transactions and loan data is still not accessible for some reason.

What’s Missing?

There’s no doubt that Quicken 2017 for Mac is a step forward but frustratingly, it still lacks behind the Windows version in terms of features. There are several financial features still missing compared to the Windows version too, most of which we highlighted earlier when looking at problems importing Quicken for Windows files into Quicken 2017 for Mac. The most notable missing features include debt reduction and savings plans, portfolio analysis, investment tax analysis, loan amortization schedules, forecasting, lot management, multi-currency support and some budgeting features. There’s still no QuickMath, basic profit and loss or balance sheet reports available and investment reports, IRR, ROI and investment allocation views are all missing. There’s also a lack of automated features compared to the Windows version such as automatic reconciliation, automatic backups and automatic linking of online bills so that you can easily see the due date and amount due in Quicken. Finally, although it’s not an essential feature, you still can’t access.

It’s hard to understand why many of these quite basic features still aren’t part of the Mac product, especially something as essential as loan amortization in a personal finance software such as Quicken. Another shortcoming for home owners is that Quicken for Windows users get automatic updates of their home values, which gives a more up-to-date overview of their net worth whereas Mac users don’t since home valuation isn’t part of the product. It is possible that Quicken will add these features via updates to Quicken 2017 for Mac over the next few months as Quicken are at least allowing Mac users to vote on features they’d like to see added to Quicken 2017 for Mac.

Quicken product availability in general for Mac users still remains very limited however and it’s hard to see that changing anytime soon. Windows users can also use Quicken Premier, Quicken Home & Business and Quicken Rental Property Manager alongside Quicken 2017 but none of these program are even available to Mac users.

If you do encounter a problem with Quicken 2017, the good news is that they’ve finally provided phone support. Previously, Quicken for Mac help was online Live Chat only and notoriously poor. The fact that you can now speak to someone (based in the USA too) is long overdue and shows that Quicken has again listened to the deluge of complaints from Mac users about previous versions. You can contact Quicken support on 1-888-311-7276 Mon–Fri 5am-5pm PST.

How To Get Quicken 2017 For Mac.

Quicken 2017 for Mac was originally launched on the Mac App Store for $74.99 although due to strong competition from Amazon, Quicken slashed 40% off until January 10th 2017. It’s now back at it’s original price of $74.99 from the Mac App Store but the good news is you can get it from Amazon for as little as $43.71 although it’s frequently out of stock.

Note that if you buy the Mac App Store version, due to technical limitations you’ll have to convert Quicken Windows files first on a PC before you can import them whereas the Amazon version does not have this restriction. The Quicken mobile app for iPad and iPhone is still free.

Although there is no Quicken 2017 for Mac free trial, you do get a 60 day money back guarantee if you’re dissatisfied. Quicken promise free feature updates until September 2017 (after which presumably you’ll have to update to Quicken 2018) and free support and security updates up to April 2020. You can also install one purchase of Quicken 2017 on three different Macs under the same license. The system requirements for Quicken for Mac are OS X 10.10 Yosemite or higher including OS X 10.11 El Capitan and OS X 10.12 Sierra. Note that Quicken for Mac is the only version of Quicken available for Mac: Quicken Starter Edition, Quicken Deluxe, Quicken Premier, Quicken Home & Business and Quicken Rental Property Manager are all Windows only products.

Updates to Quicken for Mac 2017.

In previous releases of Quicken for Mac, bug fixes and updates to the product were few and far between but since the takeover by H. I.G. Capital, updates to Quicken for Mac 2017 have been much faster. In fact within a few months of the original release, Quicken for Mac 2017 was already updated with fixes and new features, most of which have been demanded by users.

Update 4.3 was released a few months after the release of Quicken 2017 for Mac and included:

Custom report drill down: Click on numbers in a custom report to see the transaction details that make up that number. 12-Month budget printing & currency: Basic 12-Month budget printing plus ability to set currency. Transfer shortcut feature: Brought back from Quicken 2007 for Mac and already in Quicken for Windows. Allows you to enter a transfer in the category field by typing a bracket “[“. Enables you to hide the Transfer field so it doesn’t take-up space.

There were also some bug fixes including a schedule transaction bug fix, report payee filter fix, custom report bug fixes and bug fixes that caused double counting of cash accounts in investments.

More recently, the latest update to Quicken 2017 on Mac (Update 4.4.1) was released and now includes:

New Transaction Sidebar Indicator: After updating connected accounts, a blue dot now appears on the sidebar, next to all accounts on the sidebar that have new transactions. Auto-Backup: Much demanded feature to backup files (five at a time) to a designated location after logging out of the app. You can’t choose how many backup copies yet though. Orange Pencil Fix: You can mark items in orange pencil as removed and delete them. Export or Copy Reports: You can now export or copy the comparison or summary report to a spreadsheet which makes it a bit easier to analyze the data or print it. Deactivate Auto-Opening Splits: Ability to turn off auto-opening of splits in the registers or the reconcile screen. Report Comparison Customization: You can now more easily compare the current and previous period including quarterly and monthly. New Total Column: The summary report now has a much demanded Total column.

This was closely followed by a critical 4.4.2 update on January 13th 2017 in anticipation of an update to Quicken cloud to ensure continued compatibility with Quicken for Mac. The latest update was a bug fix update 4.4.3 on 25th January 2017 including a fix for a non-standard character problem with online bill payments. However, it should be noted that Cloud syncing can still be temperamental on Mac with Quicken sometimes unable to setup syncing for accounts:

In general, the rapid speed at which Quicken has rolled-out these free updates to Quicken on Mac seems like an encouraging and long overdue effort by the company to finally start responding to Mac users with the same level of support that Windows users already enjoy. Note that those who purchased Quicken from Amazon or direct from Quicken will be able to get updates quicker than those who purchased via the Mac App Store which has to approve all updates before pushing them to users. You can read the full update history and release notes of Quicken 2017 for Mac here.

To get a good overview of the most important features, functions and updates covered in this Quicken for Mac 2017 review, we recommend also watching the video below.

And Finally: Is Quicken Moving To A Subscription Payment Model?

One final thing to be aware of is that Quicken 2017 could be the last version of Quicken that you can buy with a one off payment in the USA. The Canadian version of Quicken 2017 was released shortly after the US version and is exactly the same but with the crucial difference that it is subscription payment only. In addition, Quicken stated in the FAQ for the product that all future Quicken products will be subscription payment only although after a substantial outcry from the Quicken community, it later revised this to specify it was referring to Quicken Canada products only. The FAQ does go on to state however that if Canadian users don’t renew the subscription every year, they will no longer be able to update their accounts using Quicken and the application will become read only on both Mac and PC.

This is obviously an important move that Intuit has quietly slipped into the Canadian version and it remains to be seen whether it will be rolled out in the US version. There has been a considerable outcry by Quicken users about this move and you can read more about Intuit’s decision to make future versions of Quicken subscription payment only here. If this is a deal breaker for you, check out our guide to the best Quicken for Mac alternatives as there are some excellent equivalents to Quicken on Mac such as the free version of Personal Capital.

If after reading this you still want to use the Windows version of Quicken on your Mac, then also check out our article on the The Best Way To Run Windows On Mac.

Finally includes Quicken Bill Pay Fresher, Standardized Windows Interface Enhanced 12 Month Budgeting & Investment Reports.

Some Windows Features Still Missing Importing From Quicken For Windows Not Complete Mobile App Still Limited.

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مكرسة MacHow2 لمساعدتك في الحصول على أكثر من ماك الخاص بك. نحن & # 8217؛ عاطفي عن كل شيء ماك ما إذا كان & # 8217؛ ق مساعدة المستخدمين مع توصيات البرنامج أو حل المشاكل التقنية. إذا كنت قد حصلت على أي تعليقات حول هذه المقالة، فيمكنك المشاركة من خلال ترك تعليق أدناه. يمكنك أيضا الاتصال بنا مباشرة باستخدام نموذج الاتصال في الجزء العلوي من الموقع. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في سبيل تحقيق الشفافية، قد تتلقى MacHow2 أحيانا تعويضا من النقرات أو الموردين.

74 Responses.

How about importing files from Microsoft Money? I’m still using Money 2006, and keeping Parallels on my computer solely for that – I’d love to be able to get rid of Parallels and transition over to Quicken for Mac, as long as I can import my data fairly painlessly and set up my categories and such the way I have them in Money `06. (Please note: I tried that whole using Money with Wineskin thing, it didn’t work for me.)

The good news is yes you can import Microsoft Money files into Quicken for Mac but you need to convert them into QIF format first. In MS Money, click on File – Export then Loose QIF. From there, you have to mess around a bit to get the file to import to Quicken 2017 but you can find full instructions here.

Actually, there is more than one way to do this. Here is one without using QIF files. .

(old info but still valid).

For the benefit of others also, bottom line is make sure you have MS Money Plus (2008), or Sunset version installed on your Windows VM. Update your MS Money data file to this version (open your data file once with this version), then import into Quicken for Windows. Then install Quicken for Mac and convert QWin to QMac.

1. Install MS Money Sunset in Windows. If you need MS Money Sunset, get it here: support. microsoft/en-us/kb/2118008.

If running Windows 10, they will need to read and follow one of these to get MS Money Sunset to run:

money. mvps/faq/article/654.aspx (contains link for patch to perform Registry change for you instead of doing it manually).

2. Update your MS Money data to the Sunset format. Simply open your data file once with this version and close.

3. Install QWin and import MS Money data file into QWin.

4. Install QM017 and convert QW2018 to QM2017 (in-product conversion).

(If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click “Like”, so others will know, thanks.)

بفضل & # 8230؛ it will probably be a while before I’m able to afford Quicken for Mac, but eventually I will make the switch. Parallels became a “subscription” at some point, and after trying to find an alternative (the Wineskin experiment), I sucked it up and paid the $50 to keep Parallels for another year. So, I plan on making this switch sometime in the next year.

I for the life of me, cannot see enough change that is worth me investing and putting out hard earned money up for a program that appears to be the same as 2018 Quicken for Mac. It may have a few more bells and whistles, but not enough to change. I have both Quicken 2018 for Mac and Windows. Windows wins, hands down. I’ll change when it is more like the one for Windows!

To be fair, this is easily the closest version to Windows Quicken has released on Mac. With Quicken Bill Pay and a standardized Windows style interface in particular, there’s far less significant difference between the two products but yes, they’re still not exactly the same.

Actually, Quicken 2007 for Mac is closer. But this is the closest they have gotten since the re-start of a Mac version, starting with Quicken Essentials for Mac in 2018.

It still lacks loan amortization schedules (making it difficult to track a mortgage loan). And they should have used this as an opportunity to make Quicken for Mac file compatible with Quicken for Windows. Cloud sync has always been flaky in Quicken. I’d like the ability to park a Quicken file on OneDrive or iDrive and access it with Quicken for Windows on my Windows PC and Quicken for Mac on my Mac.

Yes there are still a few shortcomings compared to the Windows version. Loan amortization schedules is one of them although the fact you still have to convert Quicken Windows files to import them into Quicken for Mac isn’t such a big issue for most people as they’re likely switching to Mac and only have to do it once. But it’s definitely frustrating if you want to regularly grab Quicken Windows files online as you describe.

The one main feature I use daily in Quicken Windows is, the projected balance in one’s checking account which shows upcoming payments. Does the Mac version have this finally? شكر.

If you mean does Quicken for Mac 2017 show the impact of upcoming bills before they actually happen, then yes it does.

Yes it does, under the Bill Reminders section, there is a graph showing forecast balances. It is limited in that there is little control over what shows up at present.

I use the account register features on a lap top. I need to work with other windows visible. v2018 has a giant interface which cannot be down sized past default limits. eg, side to side I want to show/hide or reduce the account list width past it’s current limit. Top to bottom, I want to show/hide that giant account name masthead, the Transactions/search row, and the filter row. The v2018 window cannot be dragged upwards smaller than 20 rows of transactions. Does the new interface in v2017 allow reducing the interface window by hiding more elements or by allowing more upward drag or more leftward drag of the account list?

It seems that in respect of reducing the account register window, it’s the same as Quicken 2018 for Mac. In general, there’s still less flexibility in Quicken for Mac when it comes to resizing the interface and dragging elements compared to the Windows version.

I need to correct a few details from the article:

& # 8211؛ conversion from Windows to Mac is done on the MAC. It does not require the conversion to occur on a Windows PC. This is useful if the user no longer has access to a Windows PC. You only need a Windows PC to perform the conversion IF you are not using current versions of Quicken for Mac or you purchased Quicken through Apple.

& # 8211؛ You make it sound like it is new but Quicken’s ability to import from other software like Banktivity, MoneyDance, etc. is nothing new. It has been available since Jan 2018 in Quicken 2018, and except for a few tweaks early on, it has not changed since then.

& # 8211؛ 12-month budgets and Investment features were released in May 2018 as part of ongoing feature updates (and fixes) to Quicken 2018, so is not new to 2017.

& # 8211؛ Your repeated reference that features were inexplicably removed from Quicken 2007 in later versions is completely FALSE and communicates the WRONG message. As you well know, Quicken was re-developed from the ground up. So they have to add back in features that have existed in the past. It is VERY important to understand this. Sets correct perception in minds of readers.

The biggest issue I have with the article is that there are MANY exaggerations, setting expectations too high, that are unrealistic, therefore setting people up for a major let-down. Though it may LOOK very similar due to the new HOME page for both the Mac and Windows versions, here are just a few differences:

& # 8211؛ Quicken for Mac still lags in MANY MAJOR areas…missing reports and report features, investment reports and metrics, lot management when selling, forecasting, multi-currency conversion support, many budget features, control over transaction downloading and matching, etc.

& # 8211؛ there are also MANY more subtle but very functional differences like configuration options.

& # 8211؛ interface may be new but it is not modernized. It is inflexible and NOT Mac like. By making it like Windows, helps the Windows converts but the behaviour is nothing like the Mac interface.

& # 8211؛ users CANNOT see MOST of their data in the Mobile app. They cannot see scheduled transactions, only some details regarding investments, and is LIMITED to cash, bank and credit cards…in other words loans, assets, and other account types are not visible (this applies whether you use the Mac or Windows version of Quicken desktop)

& # 8211؛ Conversion from Windows can leave out a lot of info, depending on what user data they have, like report formats, investment data, attachments,

All this said, Quicken is working to narrow the gap in differences between the Mac and Windows versions but it has a LONG way before they come close.

شكرا لملاحظاتك. We have made it clear that Quicken for Mac still isn’t as complete as Quicken for Windows but Quicken 2017 is certainly the closest yet. We’ve taken a few of your points into account about the wording however and features that were pushed to Quicken 2018. As regards the disappearance of features such as Bill Pay from Quicken 2007, “disappeared” seems to be the best word or at the very least, “dropped” or “removed for unexplained technical reasons”, as they most certainly were regardless of whether Quicken decided to build the product from the ground-up in later versions. Quicken Bill Pay was a very popular feature and the decision to put it back into Quicken 2017 will be one of it’s strongest selling points.

Actually, what I am saying is that you have NOT made it clear just HOW FAR the 2 still are, making it appear they are much closer than they really are, as per the points I highlighted.

Not sure why you are defending such wording. It is misleading and inaccurate at best. Moreover your specific wording of “removed” and “removal” it infers that Quicken is pulling features intentionally. That is unfair to Quicken and does not frame the situation properly in the reader’s mind (not that I am defending them either). That is poor form.

There is far better wording, and it only takes a few, so little effort to be accurate and informative. Not doing so will only erode reader’s confidence in your reviews, this on top of the other misleading info (BTW, I’m not trying to be confrontational, just constructive, so you understand.)

I have a big problem with your comment about the features that were in quicken for mac 2006 and before, whether the product had to be rebuilt from the ground up is irrelevant. The fact is that we had a functional system with features that worked, and then the next version, was missing all or many of those features. Now, technically these features were not removed from the product, however, I’ve now been unable to use Quicken for Mac for more than nine years, because these features were no longer available. These features were no longer available because quicken did not invest in the new mac software, after reading this review, I’m not really sure they have invested all that much still. Well I agree with most of what you said, I believe that you lose credibility, when you give quickin and out, for not investing in Mac software, hardly at all, for nearly a decade. I have used several of the previous Quicken for Mac software’s, and none compare to the 2007 version, and earlier, and hardly compare to the Windows version, that is in the stores today. Anyone reading the authors review, should take note, that even under the new ownership, quicken has shown very little concerned for it’s Mac customers. One quicken customer service rep suggested that if I wanted those features, so much, I should use the Windows version on my Mac. that in a nutshell tells you what quicken customer service, can do for the Mac user.

@Lostinram not sure why you have been unable to use Quicken for Mac for 9 years. QM2007 (LC version v16.2.4, just updated in June 2018) still runs quite well on Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard up to and including 10.12 Sierra. And it was technically still available until Sep 2018 via customer service.

Granted that if you switched over to Quicken Essentials in 2018 onwards, or QM2018, QM2018 or QM2017, then yes, there are still far fewer features than in the 2007 version.

And I disagree with your statement that “Quicken has shown very little concern for it’s Mac customers.” In fact, Eric Dunn has committed to double the Mac development team within the calendar year after HIG purchased them in April 2018 and work on bringing the Mac version “…closer to the feature set of Windows…” (see here description and short video here: getsatisfaction/quickencommunity/topics/update-on-the-quicken-sale-from-eric-dunn )

Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT trying to defend Quicken. Nor am I trying to give them an out. And believe me there is plenty to be frustrated about. Yes Quicken faltered badly over the past 10 yrs. I am still stuck on QM2007 because QM2017 still does not have key features I need. They had failed attempts in re-starting Quicken for Mac, in part due to the lack of vision by Intuit. But my goal is that I just want to correct wrong information and assumptions that leave the wrong perspective.

Quicken just started this journey on their own. It has only been just over 6 months. And their plan is over “…the next quarters and years…”, so do not expect progress to be fast. It is a business after all, and their efforts must be financially sustainable.

I know that if you really want QM2007, Quicken was providing it for FREE as a bridge version for those who needed to get into QM2018 from older versions of Quicken. I do not know if they stopped this practice. I have not had anyone confirm this one way or the other. One way to find out is to purchase QM2017, then request QM2007 as an intermediary version to convert older Quicken data. Worst case, you have 60 days to act on the money-back guarantee.

This product is a scam. I purchased it for $65 on the web site, and was then told that I was being charged $299 for the year to activate support. I was informed that I purchased only software. Yet nowhere on the website was this mentioned.

Where did you purchase Quicken from? There is definitely no charge for Quicken support for Quicken for Mac – Quicken support is free.

متفق عليه. You reached a scam site at worst, a third party site at best.

We just bought Mac 2018 less than two weeks ago and now 2017 is out, You should be able to do something for me. شكر.

Contact Quicken Support and they may be able to help you.

All those who purchased QM2018 within the last 60-days are entitled to get QM2017 for FREE. They WILL be able to help.

Did they fix the calendar bug yet? The calendar balances are just plain wrong as the calendar is viewed from one month to the next. The end of one calendar view shows a balance, for example for the 3rd day of the following month, but when you move to the following month that same day shows an entirely different balance — and all days thereafter are wrong as well. If and when that bug is ever fixed, I’ll think about an upgrade. Until then, this important feature is horribly flawed and reason enough to avoid any upgrade expense. Calls and emails to product support get nowhere. And you did not mention the feature at all. So I am assuming nothing was fixed.

In our tests the calendar shows the correct balance month-on-month so unless what you’re describing only happens because of your specific setup of Quicken, it appears this works correctly.

It does not work correctly. And my setup is standard. Through version 3.5.2 the bug still exists. As of today, for example, Nov 3 has a balance of $10,220.07 when viewed in October calendar but Nov. 3 has a balance of $7,667.36 when viewed in the November calendar — an inexplicable difference of $2,552.71. I don’t know what tests you are running, but I have a real world household of accounts. The bug has not been fixed.

This bug was supposedly fixed back in June as of v3.4.1. Make sure you have the latest version. If not, update it (in-product). If so, Quicken support are the only ones that can take your feedback and have it looked into.

On version 3.5.2. Bug still there.

I have been giving this feedback to Quicken since 2018. I never get a reply other than that they are aware of the bug and will fix it at some unspecified time in the future.

Since the purchase of Quicken by HIG and the variety of negative reports about Quicken for Mac, I found your review quite helpful. You’ve put a good amount of perspective and a balanced amount of detail in one place that allows for further investigation by any of us who care to pursue our specific points of interest. شكرا.

Thanks for the kind words – مقدر جدا.

@Robert G. I recommend you also read my reply above from yesterday (Oct 17) to get a more complete picture, so you do not run into any major surprises. 😉

@smayer97: saw your comments before I wrote … شكر. I believe your analysis and most of the other comment strings add to this article. I was about to drop Quicken completely after at least 2 decades on Quicken / W starting way back with dot matrix check printing. Articles and comments about Intuit, HIG and Quicken / M 2018 left me looking into completely different home banking solutions. I was not happy at all. Now I at least have some hope that Quicken / M 2017 has foundation functionality and HIG seems to be interested in extending Quicken’s life. I’m about ready to make the switch to Quicken for Mac 2017 and ride out the, hoped for, continued software upgrade / fix releases.

I’m confused about the monthly fee for using Bill Pay. I want to be able to pay my bills online, as I used to on the Windows version before I converted to Mac. There was no charge for that ability. Is a monthly charge something new?

You were probably using Quicken Direct Connect to pay bills online on Windows which is completely free. Direct Connect is also available in Quicken 2017 for Mac and is also free. Quicken Bill Pay is a different system and for that you must pay a monthly subscription in both Quicken for Windows and Quicken for Mac.

Also be aware that just because Bill Pay via Direct Connect, or Quicken Bill Pay, is available for Windows does not automatically mean it is available for Mac. Each product is treated entirely separately behind the scenes. This means that each platform (Mac or WIndows) is treated separately. Even each VERSION for each platform is treated separately, though this may appear seamless.

It is the Financial Institution/Bank that makes the decision as to which service is supported for which, as they have to pay license and support fees. So you need to make sure that your FI/Bank supports the specific platform and version of your choice.

شكر. جيد ان تعلم.

عظيم. شكرا لملاحظاتك. You’re right, I was using Direct Connect.

One more note re: Direct Connect … don’t count on the Quicken official page to know if your bank supports Direct Connect with Mac 2017. My bank is (was) listed as one of the 400 supporting DC. After a number of failed attempts to establish DC with my bank their tech support team told me that they had only recently established support for Mac 2018 and do not yet support DC for Mac 2017. Quicken tech support tells me they are going to remove my bank from their list of supported DC banks (Citizens Mid-Atl Consumer) if they can confirm my story. After doing my Windows to Mac conversion, adjusting a few minor elements in my records and establishing Dir. Connect with two other banks without issue, I’m now in a holding pattern until this bank supports Mac 2017. Fortunately I can still use Quicken Windows. That said, what I’ve seen of other features in Mac 2017 is encouraging.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Quicken and Direct Connect. These technical issues connecting Quicken to certain bank accounts have always been a problem although it’s not just Quicken that’s affected. Alternatives to Quicken for Mac such as Bankitivity (formerly iBank) also have issues. As you’ve found, the problem is it’s almost impossible to know whether the problem is on the bank side or Quicken’s. As banks tighten online security and perhaps more importantly, encourage customers to use their own personal banking services, this could become a big issue for personal finance software such as Quicken.

I’m encouraged by your encouragement!

I am an accountant and would love to find personal finance software for Mac that is comparable to Quicken for Windows. I have Quicken for Mac 2018, but this is not “accounting” software – no balance sheet or income statement – no loan amortization. Are there any personal finance products for Mac that are comparable to Quicken for Windows that I can use until Quicken gets its Mac product up to speed?

There certainly are. You should read our review of alternatives to Quicken for Mac and as an accountant, you might also find our guide to the best accounting software for Mac interesting too. Hope they help you.

Just to make it clear to all, and as a Quicken user yourself you know, Quicken is not and never will be accounting software. Rather it is personal financial software, with some business capabilities. So this does not preclude it from having the features you mention…in fact I look forward to those being restored to the Mac version. Just want to put it in the right perspective.

Please do look at the suggested list of alternatives for Mac. But if you are looking for the features mentioned, suggesting you are a more “advanced” user, you may likely find that alternatives fall just as short in business areas.

You might want to try Quickbooks for Mac. It is more for business and has the type of financial reports that you are looking for. It is not as good as the Windows version of course, but it may be more of what you are looking for.

For those interested in trying to influence and direct the priorities of the Quicken developers and which features to focus on first, I highly recommend that you browse through the IDEAS section of the new forum on ‘Get Satisfaction’ and VOTE for each of the missing features to be added back into Quicken for Mac.

This will help make the transition easier for you WHEN you are ready to upgrade, by seeking to have the features you are used to end up in the latest version.

To do that, read this post on how to participate and VOTE to your heart’s content:

This is an opportunity to have your say, so I urge you to take advantage of it. Please share this with others too.

Features are one thing, but 2018 and 2018 for Mac have been buggy as &*(^! I’m talking basics like being able to accurately upload and sync balances with such exotic organizations as Bank of America, Vanguard, Fidelity and TIAA CREF. Read their own forum for endless posts on this. THAT is what needs to be reviewed and reported on. Is this a bug infested mess like the previous versions or not?

Though it is true that there are many challenges with online connectivity with Financial Institutions (FI) and Banks, this statement lacks context.

First, there are 3 methods of connectivity between Quicken and the FIs/Banks. There is Direct Connect, Quicken Connect and Web Connect.

Direct Connect is communication directly between Quicken software and the FI/Bank. Has virtually no involvement in this connection method. When there are problems here, much of the problems are most often the bank side.

Web Connect involves downloading FI/Bank data into a file and loading that data into Quicken. The only part that.

Quicken is involved in is controlled by user settings, any where from only validating that the FI/Bank is supported to data ‘Clean-up” of Payee names and initial categorization. Here the problems can vary, though again very often the issues stem on the FI/bank side.

Quicken Connect involves Quicken servers connecting to the FI/Bank with credentials supplied by you. It is effectively as if you are logging into the FI/Bank yourself and collecting the data. Here the method used to get data varies a lot from FI/Bank to FI/Bank. Some Fi/Banks give more access to Quicken and supply pre-formatted data. In other cases, Quicken scrapes the webpage that contains your data. So the degree of involvement by the FI/Bank in setting this up varies from some to none. In all cases, data is stored on Quicken servers for you to then sync to to load into Quicken. The problems often arise when the FI/Bank does not communicate changes in this environment. That is when you get a lot of reports of problems.

So you can hopefully see that the landscape to provide connectivity to the FI/Banks is quite complex and delicate. And often these bugs are not so much with the Quicken product as it is with the connect points along the way that need resolution. When you then consider that there are over 14,000 connections that Quicken has to maintain, the challenges are multiplied. So when something goes wrong, and it inevitably does, it can create a lot of noise, especially if it affects a lot of users at once.

The problems that arise cannot be solely attributed to Quicken, though there are many that are theirs to own. So it is important to maintain perspective on this whole issue. Am I saying that Quicken does not have some things they can improve? بالطبع لا. There is room for improvement. And of course, it is no fun when you are the one affected by one of these issues. But it is important to maintain perspective and recognize that this is an ever changing landscape, which requires a lot of ongoing effort to maintain.

Oh, and has been pointed out by others, these types of issues are not isolated to Quicken alone. All banking software connecting to FIs/banks is going to run into these types of issues.

This context is very much appreciated context. معلومات جيدة. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

I have a client that has used the Quicken for Mac 2007 for years. She upgraded to the Quicken Mac 2018 and is so frustrated by it that it almost made her cry. Can you tell me whether the 2017 version is similar to the 2007 version?

Though there are similarities, it is important to understand that since Quicken for Mac is not an upgrade from QM2007 but rather from Quicken Essentials (which was re-written from the ground up, starting in 2018), there are some features that are still not there e. g. loan amortization, 2-line display, QuickMath, auto-backups, or are not as fully developed yet, e. g. Customized Reports, investment lot management and performance reports and stats (therefore some data may not carry over). You can start here:

Currently, the main advantages of QM2017 over QM2007 include the ability to sync with Quicken Mobile for mobile devices (iOS and Android) and the ability to save receipts with transactions via computer or mobile device. There are a few other minor features that QM2007 does not have. Note that QM2017 is being supported until April 30, 2020, whereas it has been announced that security fixes have ceased since QM2017 was released…see quicken/support/update-quicken-mac-2007-support-policies-may-2018 yet online access will continue as long as the FI/Bank supports it and their security updates don’t prevent it.

Be aware of data that will and will not carry forward:

Then look at the updates since the original release here:

Updates since original QM2017.

Also read some of the Fixes and Improvements that are being released soon here:

You will also want to look at a more detailed comparison done by a ‘SuperUser’ which also identifies nuances not mentioned elsewhere (and read on for comments from other users too on that same discussion thread):

Take a look at the following videos to give you a better idea:

As I have said before, I also highly recommend that you browse through the IDEAS section of the Quicken forum and VOTE for each of the missing features to be added back into Quicken for Mac….to help direct the priorities of the developers.

This will help make the transition easier for you WHEN you are ready to upgrade, by seeking to have the features you are used to end up in the latest version.

To do that, I suggest you read this post on how to participate, then VOTE to your heart’s content:

This is an opportunity to have your say, so I urge you to take advantage of it. Please share this with others too.

شكرا لكم! I will take a look at the sites you provided.

VirtualBox is free and works fine for me (vs. Parallels)!

You can certainly run Quicken using VirtualBox but Parallels is definitely easier to setup and use, especially for beginners. VirtualBox requires a certain amount of manual configuration when switching between OS X and Windows.

Direct Connect was problematic with our local bank. Essentially all their clients got what the bank paid for…They’ve changed their interface, taking some effort on their clients part but well worth it. I use my Mac on chart and trade platforms but went to PC in ’07 with loss of Mac bill pay. May now go back; thanks for “you all’s ” إدخال.

Always looked at Mac as personnal home finance at most, not portfolio or accounting oriented.

I will always believe that this attitude of ‘personal’ orientated computers has been the one and greatest loss for Apple.

In the old PC version of Quicken that I had, there was a calendar that showed all my upcoming bills and deposits day by day and the projected balance for each day as I went along. When I switched to a Mac (which I love), the quicken product did not give me any such calendar at all. I returned the product and bought MoneyDance. Although MoneyDance does have the calendar so i can see my upcoming bills and projected deposits, it does not give a balance on each day. So both programs were disappointments to me. Does Quicken 2017 for mac give that calendar? You have posted many pictures of the different screens but I did not see the calendar view screen. Can you post one so I can see if it is what I am looking for?

Hi Denise, Yes Quicken 2017 for Mac does support a calendar view to show you upcoming bills and deposits. Hope this helps:

That is the calendar for data entry….That is NOT the Calendar VIEW the user is asking about.

This is a picture of a calendar. This is NOT the calendar view that Quicken on the PC had. I am looking for something that if i pull up the calendar i can see every day showing bills due and a projected balance based on those bills and/or projected deposits at a glance – where I can see the whole month in front of me. Does it have that?

Sorry if you mean is it possible to link upcoming online bills to the calendar in Quicken 2017 for Mac and see the amount due then no, that’s not possible yet. It is however something that users can vote for to be added to Quicken 2017 on Mac.

This user is asking about seeing bills due and projected balance…i. e., BIll Reminders, not necessarily to link upcoming online bills…that is a whole other feature.

Simply put, they want to see what info shows up on the calendar plus a graph similar to the Bill Reminders graph. I know for a fact the latter feature is NOT available. I know that Bill reminders do show up on the calendar. So why not post a Calendar show this?

Smayer97 is exactly correct as to what i am looking for. I don’t care about the graph he/she mentioned, but I’d like to see what shows up on the calendar for bill reminders, projected balance, etc. Thank you Smayer97; you put it in better words than I did.

I am thinking of getting Quicken 2017 for Mac but am surprised it does not have basic report capability for balance sheets and income statements – really ?? I have been on Quicken 1986 for many years and they had these basic reports back then !!

As stated above, the key phrase I mentioned is “…[Quicken for Mac] was re-written from the ground up…” so many features are being rebuilt into the new version. It is unfortunate that the product was released before it had many key features but I guess they decided this was the best approach to fund the future development and support of the Mac version, so it is what it is. Again, go add your vote for any missing features you want to see return, to help priorities the work (see link above on Nov 27).

I am currently running Quicken Deluxe 2018 Windows on my MAC using VMware Fusion. If I purchase Quicken for MAC 2017 and import the current backup file from the Windows 2018 on VMware will I be able to maintain both versions (making entries on both versions) until comfortable with the new MAC 2017 software? I’d really like to stop using the VMware fusion.

That would technically be possible on your Mac. However, if you have a Quicken account linked to your Quicken Deluxe 2018 setup, it may not be possible to connect your Quicken 2017 for Mac setup at the same time. You should check with Quicken for Mac Support about this.

The answer is simply yes. And you can maintain simultaneous connectivity to your online accounts if you have any. There is no conflict.

Interesting news coming out of Quicken…They just released Quicken for Windows 2017 for Canada last week. They are trying out a NEW subscription-based model. Why am I posting this here about a Windows product on a Mac forum? Because of interesting news found in their FAQ for this product:

It says in the FAQ under [I don’t use online banking, do I still need to buy connected services?]

“All future Quicken products will be subscription products.” This will include the US Windows and Mac versions too.

So what is significant about this? Reading carefully you will find this under [What happens to my data when my access to Quicken Connected Services ends?]

& # 8220؛ & # 8230؛ While you can continue to access your data and run reports, you’ll no longer be able to download transactions, ***or add manual transactions***.” [emphasis added]

For the first time you would be cut off from being able to continue to use the product to update your data, even manually.

If you are concerned about this, there is an extensive discussion going on in the Quicken Community forum under the topic “Quicken Inc should reverse its decision to change to a subscription that makes the user’s data read-only if they stop paying”

You can add your voice, and most importantly, add your VOTE to change this by going to this discussion located here:

Then click VOTE at the top of the page. (Also click FOLLOW to get updates on the discussion).

Please spread the word so others can voice their concerns about this.

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